Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dionisio Aguado (8 April 1784 – 29 December 1849) was a Spanish classical guitarist and composer.

Born in Madrid, he studied with Miguel García. In 1826, Aguado visited Paris, where he met and became friends with and for a while lived with Fernando Sor.[1] Sor's duo Les Deux Amis ("The Two Friends") commemorated the friendship: one part is marked "Sor" and the other "Aguado."
Aguado's major work Escuela de Guitarra was a guitar tutor published in 1825.[1] As of 2011, it is still in print, with Tecla Editions releasing a reprint in 2005.[2] In the Escuela Aguado describes his use of fingernails on the right hand as well as his invention of a "tripodion": a device that held the guitar and thus minimized the damping effect of the player's body on the guitar's back and sides.[3] Aguado's other works include Trois Rondos Brillants (Opus 2), Le Menuet Affandangado (Opus 15), Le Fandango Varie (Opus 16), as well as numerous waltzes, minuets, and other light pieces. The more extended works require a virtuoso technique and left-hand stretches that are almost impossible on the longer string lengths of modern guitars. (See Frederick Noad, "The Classical Guitar") Aguado returned home to Madrid in 1837 and died there aged 65.[1]
Aguado's surname comes from the Spanish word for "soaked." (This is because an ancient relative of his, who was a knight, returned after a battle caked in mud. The nickname then eventually became the surname
Aguirre, Julian (1868-1924 Argentina) page
  • Alais, Juan (1844-1914 Argentina) page
  • Alandia C, Edgar (b.1950- Bolivia-Italy) page
  • Albeniz, Isaac Manuel F (1860-1909 Spain) page
  • Albeniz, Mateo (1755-1831 Spain) page
  • Albert, Heinrich (1870-1950 Germany) bio
  • Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni (1671-1751 Italy) page
  • Albright, William (1944-1998 USA) page
  • Alcazar, Miguel (b.1942- Mexico) page
  • Alemann, Eduardo A (1922-2005 Argentina) page
  • Alessio, Lino (b.1967- USA) page
  • Alexander, Allan (b.1946- USA) page
  • Alexander, Arthur (1891-1975 UK) page
  • Alfonso, Nicolas (b.1913- Spain) page
  • Alfonso, X 'El Sabio' (1221-1284 Spain) page
  • Almeida, Laurindo (1917-1995 Brazil-USA) page
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  • Ameller, Andre (1912-1990 France) page
  • Amy, Gilbert (b.1936- France) page
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  • Anderson, Leroy (1908-1975 USA) page
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  • Andia, Rafael (b.1942- France) page
  • Andriessen, Louis (b.1939- Netherlands) page
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  • Angulo, Heitor (b.1932- Cuba) music
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  • ApIvor, Denis (1916-2004 Ireland-UK) page
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  • Applebaum, Edward (b.1937- USA) page
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  • Ardevol, Jose (1911-1981 Cuba) info
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  • Arran, John (b.1945- UK) page
  • Asafiev, Boris (1884-1949 Russia) page
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  • Attaingnant, Pierre (1494-1552 France) info
  • Auric, Georges (1899-1983 France) page
  • Ayala, Hector (1914-1990 Argentina) page
  • Azevedo, Waldyr (1923-1980 Brazil) page
  • Azpiazu, Jose de (1912-1986 Spain) music
  • Babbitt, Milton (Byron) (b.1916- USA) page
  • Bacarisse, Salvador (1898-1963 Spain-France) page
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  • Badings, Henk (1907-1987 Netherlands) page
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  • Bakfark, Valentin (1507-1576 Hungary) page
  • Balada, Leonardo (b.1933- Spain-USA) page
  • Ballif, Claude (1924-2004 France) page
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  • Barlow, Fred (1881-1951 France) page
  • Barnes, Milton (1931-2001 Canada) page
  • Baron, Ernst Gottlieb (1696-1760 Germany) page
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  • Barrios, Angel (1882-1964 Spain) page
  • Barroso, Ary (1903-1964 Brazil) page
  • Bartok, Bela (1881-1945 Hungary-USA) page
  • Bartoli, Rene (b.1941- France) page
  • Bartolozzi, Bruno (1911-1980 Italy) page
  • Basevi, Abramo (1818-1885 Italy) page
  • Bassett, Leslie (b.1923- USA) page
  • Bateman, William O (1825-1883 USA)
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  • Bauer-Moerkens, Ralf (b.1953- Germany) page
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  • Baur, Jurg (1918-2010 Germany) page
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  • Beaser, Robert (b.1954- USA) page
  • Beccuti, Roberto (1910-1974 Italy) bio
  • Becerra-Schmidt, Gustavo (1925-2010 Chile) page
  • Becker, Günther 'Hugo' (b.1924- Germany) page
  • Becker, Holmer (b.1955- Germany) page
  • Bedford, David (b.1937- UK) page
  • Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827 Germany) page
  • Behr, Franz (1837-1898 Germany) page
  • Behrend, Siegfried (1933-1990 Germany) page
  • Belaubre, Louis Noel (b.1932- France) page
  • Belini, Kemel (b.1954- Cyprus)
  • Bellinati, Paulo (b.1950- Brazil) page
  • Bellisario, Angelo (b.1932- Italy) link
  • Bellmann, Carl Michael (1740-1795 Sweden) page
  • Bellow, Alexander (1912-1976 Russia-USA)
  • Bellucci, Giacomo (b.1928- Italy) link
  • Benati, Chiaro (b.1956- Italy)
  • Benda, Georg (1722-1795 Bohemia) page
  • Benedetti, Fred M (b.1957- USA) page
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  • Bennett, Richard Rodney (b.1936- UK) page
  • Bensa, Olivier (b.1951- France) YouTube
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  • Berg, Gunnar (1909-1989 Denmark) page
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  • Berry, Jacques Andre (b.1945- France) link
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  • Bettinelli, Bruno (1913-2004 Italy) page
  • Beyer, Franck Michael (1928-2008 Germany) page
  • Bialas, Günther (b.1907-1995 Germany) info
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  • Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von (1644-1704 Bohemia-Austria) page
  • Biberian, Gilbert (b.1944- Turkey-UK) page
  • Bielawa, Bruce (b.1967- USA) bio
  • Billet, Jean Pierre (b.1948- France) music
  • Binge, Ronald (1910-1979 UK) page
  • Bizet, Georges (1838-1875 France) page
  • Blaha, Ivo (b.1936- Czechoslovakia) info
  • Blake, Howard (b.1938- UK) page
  • Blake, Michael (b.1951- South Africa) page
  • Blanchard, Harold (1930-2010 USA) page
  • Blanquer, Amando (1935-2005 Spain) page
  • Blasco de Nebra, Manuel (1750-1784 Spain) page
  • Blyton, Carey (1932-2002 UK) page
  • Bobri, Vladimir (1898-1986 Ukraine-USA) page
  • Bobrowicz, Jan Nepomucen (1805-1881 Poland) page,info
  • Boccherini, Luigi (1743-1805 Italy) page
  • Boda, John (1922-2002 USA) page
  • Boehm, Roland (b.1950- Germany) info
  • Boero, Felipe (1884-1958 Argentina) page
  • Boesmans, Philippe (b.1936- Belgium) page
  • Bogdanovic, Dusan (b.1955- Yugoslavia-USA) page
  • Böhm, Georg (1661-1733 Germany) page
  • Bois, Rob du (b.1934- Netherlands) page
  • Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de (1689-1755 France) page
  • Bolcom, William (b.1938- USA) page
  • Bolling, Claude (b.1930- France) page
  • Bombardelli, Umberto (b.1954- Italy) page
  • Bondon, Jacques (b.1927- France) page
  • Bonell, Carlos (b.1949- UK) page
  • Bonfá, Luiz (b.1922-2001 Brazil) page
  • Bonnet, Carlos (1892-1983 Venezuela) page
  • Bons, Joël (b.1952- Netherlands) page
  • Borges, Raúl (1888-1967 Venezuela) page
  • Bosch, Jaime (1826-1895 Spain) page
  • Bosman, Lance (b.1939- UK) page
  • Bosseur, Jean-Yves (b.1947- France) page
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  • Boulez, Pierre (b.1925- France) page
  • Bournet, Pascal (b.1950- France) page
  • Boutros, Laurent (b.1964- France) page
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  • Bracali, Gianpaolo (1941-2006 Italy) info
  • Bracanin, Philip (1942- Australia) page
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  • Brayssing, Grégoire (fl.1547-1560 Germany) page
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  • Brenet, Thirhse (b.1935- France)
  • Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio (1690-1758 Italy) page
  • Bresgen, Cesar (1913-1988 Italy-Germany) page
  • Breznikar, Joseph (b.1950- USA) page
  • Bridges, Ben (b.1953- USA)
  • Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976 UK) page
  • Broca, Jose (1805-1882 Spain) info
  • Broeder, Alois (b.1961- Germany) page
  • Broqua, Alfonso (1876-1946 Uruguay) page
  • Brotons, Salvador (b.1959- Spain) page
  • Brouwer, Leo (b.1939- Cuba) page
  • Brown, James Peter (b.1967- Canada) page
  • Brown, Ken (b.1948- USA)
  • Brubeck, Darius (b.1947- USA-South Africa) page
  • Brubeck, Dave (b.1920- USA) page
  • Brûlé, Pierre Marcel (b.1950- Canada) info
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  • Brvder, Alois (b.1961- Germany)
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  • Buck, Ole (b.1943- Denmark) page
  • Budasz, Rogerio (b.1964- Brazil) page
  • Budos, Marian (b.1968- Slovak-Australia) page
  • Bujtás, József (b.1947- Hungary) link
  • Buller, Alan (b.1947- UK) link
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  • Burgmann, Chris (b.1962- Germany) music
  • Burgon, Geoffrey (1941-2010 UK) page
  • Burkhard, Willy (1900-1955 Switzerland) page
  • Burkhart, Franz (1902-1978 Austria) YouTube
  • Burt, Robert Hampton (b.1940- USA) page
  • Buss, Fritz (b.1930- Germany-South Africa) page
  • Bussotti, Sylvano (b.1931- Italy) page
  • Buxtehude, Dietrich (1637-1707 Denmark-Germany) page
  • Byrd, Charlie (1926-1999 USA) page
  • Byrd, William (1543-1623 UK) page
  • Cabanilles, Juan Bautista José (1644-1712 Spain) page
  • Cabee, Jean-Pierre (b.1957- France)
  • Cabezón, Antonio de (1510-1566 Spain) page
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  • Calatayud, Bartolomé (1882-1973 Spain) page
  • Calbi, Otello (1917-1995 Italy) music
  • Call, Leonhard von (1768-1815 Germany) page
  • Calleja, Francisco (1891-1950 Spain-Uruguay) TouTube
  • Calmes, Keith D (b.1966- USA) page
  • Camargo Fernandes, Marcelo de (b.1956- Brazil) page
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  • Campra, André (1660-1744 France) page
  • Camps, Pompeyo (1924-1997 Argentina) page
  • Candelario, Chris Anthony (b.1950- USA) page
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  • Cano, D Antonio (1811-1897 Spain) page
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  • Cardoso, Jorge (b.1949- Argentina-Spain) page
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  • Carre, Albert (1852-1938 France)
  • Carreno, Inocente (b.1919- Venezuela)
  • Carroll, David (b.1947- UK)
  • Carter, Elliott Cook (b.1908- USA) page
  • Carulli, Ferdinando (1770-1841 Italy-France) page
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  • Casanovas, Francisco (b.1899- Spain)
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  • Castellanos, Evencio (b.1915- Venezuela)
  • Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895-1968 Italy-USA) bio
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  • Castet, François (b.1940- France) page
  • Castillo, Manuel (b.1930- Spain)
  • Castro de Gistau, Salvador (1770? Spain)
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  • Cauvin, Philippe (b.1952- France)
  • Cavalcanti, Nestor de Hollanda (b.1949- Brazil)
  • Cavallone, Franco (b.1957- Italy)
  • Cavazzoli, Germano (1940- Italy)
  • Cecconi, Raffaele (b.1947- Italy)
  • Cerf, Jacques (b.1932- Switzerland)
  • Cervantes, Ignacio (1847-1905 Cuba) page
  • Chadwick, Roland (b.1957- Australia) page
  • Chailly, Luciano (b.1920- Italy)
  • Chandler, Hugh (b.1956- USA)
  • Chang, Hui-Ni (b.1969- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Chang, Yu-Hou (b.1960- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Charlton, Andrew (b.1928- USA)
  • Charlton, Richard (b.1955- Australia)
  • Charnofsky, Jordan (b.1967- USA)
  • Chassain, Olivier (b.1957- France)
  • Chavarri, Eduardo Lopez (1871-1970 Spain)
  • Chavez, Carlos (1899-1978 Mexico) page
  • Chaviano, Flores (b.1946- Cuba) page
  • Chaynes, Charles (b.1925- France)
  • Chazarreta, Andres (1876-1960 Argentina)
  • Chen, Biao (b.1971- China) page
  • Cherubini, Luigi (1760-1842 Italy-France) bio
  • Cherubito, Miguel A (b.1941- Argentina) page
  • Chiereghin, Sergio (b.1933- Italy)
  • Chilesotti, Oscar (1848-1916 Italy)
  • Chilton, Roy (b.1950- UK) page
  • Chiti, Gian Paulo (b.1939- Italy)
  • Chobanian, Loris (b.1933- Iraq-USA) page
  • Chopin, Frederic (1810-1849 Poland-France) bio
  • Chung, Il Ryun (b.1964- Korea)
  • Cimarosa, Domenico (1749-1801 Italy) link
  • Cimma, Pier Luigi (b.1941- Italy)
  • Cisneros, Jose R (b.1915- Venezuela)
  • Clapton, Eric (b.1945- UK) page
  • Clementi, Aldo (b.1925- Italy)
  • Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832 Italy) music
  • Clerch, Joaquin (b.1965- Cuba) page
  • Coco, Julian B (b.1924- Netherlands Antilles)
  • Cody, Judith (b.1949- USA) page
  • Coinel, Robert (b.1950- France)
  • Coles, Paul (b.1952- UK) page
  • Company, Alvaro (b.1931- Italy)
  • Compton, John (b.1950- UK)
  • Condin, Wolfgang (b.1959- Germany)
  • Constant, Franz (b.1910- Belgium)
  • Constant, Marius (b.1925- Romania-France) page
  • Cooper, James Medary (b.1948- USA) page
  • Cooperman, Larry Steward (b.1951- USA) page
  • Copeland, Paul (b.1947- Australia) page
  • Corbett, Sidney (b.1960- USA-Germany)
  • Corbetta, Francesco (1612-1681 Italy)
  • Cordero, Ernesto (b.1946- Puerto Rico) page
  • Cordero, Roque (b.1917- Panama) news
  • Corea, Chick (b.1941- USA)
  • Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713 Italy) link
  • Coronel, Marcelo (b.1962- Argentina) page
  • Correggia, Enrico (b.1933- Italy)
  • Corrette, Michel (1709-1795 France) page
  • Cortes, Juan Manuel (b.1953- Spain) page
  • Coste, Napoleon (1806-1883 France)
  • Cote, Rolland (b.1951- Canada)
  • Cottam, David (1951- UK)
  • Coulanges, Amos (b.1954- Haiti)
  • Couperin, François (le grand) (1668-1733 France) bio
  • Cox, Boudewijn (b.1965- Netherlands-Belgium) page
  • Crawley, Clifford (b.1929- UK) bio
  • Criswick, Mary (b.1945- UK)
  • Croucher, Terence (b.1944- UK)
  • Cruz de Castro, Carlos (b.1941- Spain)
  • Cui, Cesar Antonowich (1835-1918 Russia) page bio
  • Curi, Antonio (b.1946- Italy)
  • Curtis-Smith, Curtis (b.1941- USA)
  • Cutting, Francis (1550? UK)
  • D'Angelo, Nuccio (b.1955- Italy)
  • D'Arros, Yves (b.1954- France)
  • Dagosto, Sylvain (b.1927- France)
  • Dalitz, Christoph (b.1967- Germany) page
  • Dallinger, Fridolin (b.1933- Austria)
  • Dalza, Joan Ambrozio (1500? Italy) music
  • Dams, Norbert (b.1951- Germany) page
  • Dandelot, Georges (1895-1975 France)
  • Dandrieu, Jean François (1682-1738 France)
  • Danner, Peter (b.1936- USA)
  • Danner, Wilfried Maria (b.1956- Germany)
  • Daquin, Louis-Claude (1694-1772 France) music
  • Darias, Javier (b.1946- Spain)
  • David, Johann Nepomuk (1895-1977 Austria) page
  • David, Thomas Christian (b.1925- Austria)
  • Dawson, Doug (b.1947- USA) bio
  • Daza, Esteban (1550? Spain) music
  • De Curtis, Ernesto (1860-1926 Italy)
  • De Faria, Alexandre (b.1972- Brazil)
  • De Voe, Donald (b.1972- USA)
  • Debussy, Claude (1862-1918 France) bio
  • Defaye, Jean Michel (b.1932- France)
  • Defossez, Rene (b.1905- Belgium)
  • Degen, Soffren (1816-1885 Denmark) page
  • Degni, Vicenzo (b.1911- Italy)
  • Del Forno, Anton (b.1950- Italy) page
  • Del Tredici, David (b.1937- USA) page
  • Delerue, Georges (1925-1992 France)
  • Dellacasa, Giancarlo (b.1952- Italy)
  • Delpriora, Mark (b.1959- USA)
  • Demillac, Francis Paul (b.1917- France)
  • Deng, Yu-Hsien (1906-1944 Taiwan ROC) page
  • Denhoff, Michael (b.1955- Germany)
  • Denisov, Edison (1929-1996 Russia) bio
  • Denza, Luigi (1846-1922 Italy)
  • Depreter, Jan (b.1975- Belgiun) page
  • Desderi, Ettore (1892-1974 Italy)
  • Desportes, Yvonne (Berthe) (b.1907- France)
  • Dessau, Paul (1894-1979 Germany) page
  • Di Capua, Eduardo (1864-1917 Italy)
  • Di Marino, Roberto (b.1956- Italy) page
  • Diabelli, Anton (1781-1858 Austria) page
  • Diamond, Neil (b.1941- USA)
  • Diederichs, Yann (b.1952- Germany)
  • Digmeloff, Germain (1883-1981 France)
  • Dillon, James (Shaun Hamilton) (b.1944- UK)
  • Dinescu, Violeta (b.1953- Rumania-Germany)
  • DiPalma, Mark (b.1959- USA)
  • Djokovic, Roko (b.1980- Yugoslavia) page
  • Dlugoraj, Adalbert (1550-1603 Poland)
  • Dodgson, Stephen (b.1924- UK) note
  • Doerr, Charles (b.1911- France)
  • Dohl, Friedhelm (b.1936- Germany)
  • Doidge, Spencer Ernest (b.1944- USA) page
  • Dojcinovic, Uros (b.1959- Yugoslavia)
  • Domeniconi, Carlo (b.1947- Italy) info
  • Donatoni, Franco (b.1927- Italy)
  • Donosita, Jose A (1886-1956 Spain)
  • Dorward, David (b.1933- UK)
  • Dovgopol, Dmitri (b.1961- Russia)
  • Dowland, John (1563-1626 UK) link
  • Dowland, Robert (1591-1641 UK)
  • Downs, Colin (b.1949- UK)
  • Drabble, Lawrence (b.1929- UK)
  • Drdla, Frantisek (1868-1944 Bohemia) bio
  • Drigo, Riccardo (1846-1930 Italy)
  • Drogoz, Philippe (b.1937- France)
  • Dropsie, Adriaan (b.1957- Netherlands)
  • Drozd, Gerard (b.1955- Poland) page
  • Duarte, John W (b.1919- UK) music
  • Dubois, Pierre Max (b.1930- France)
  • Dumond, Arnaud (b.1950- France) page
  • Dunser, Richard (b.1959- Austria)
  • Durand, Marie-Auguste (1830-1909 France)
  • Durko, Zsolt (b.1934- Hungary)
  • Durville, Philippe (b.1957- France)
  • Dusek, Frantisek Xaver (1731-1799 Bohemia)
  • Dvorak, Antonin (1841-1904 Czechoslovakia) bio
  • Dyens, Roland (b.1955- Tunisia-France) page
  • Eastwood, Thomas (Hugh) (b.1922- UK)
  • Eben, Petr (b.1929- Czechoslovakia)
  • Echecopar, Javier (b.1955- Peru)
  • Edlund, Mikael (b.1950- Sweden)
  • Einem, Gottfried von (1918-1996 Austria) bio
  • El-Salamouny, Ahmed (b.1957- Germany) page
  • Elderkin, Stephen (b.1955- Canada) bio
  • Elgar, Edward (1857-1934 UK) link
  • Elia, Marios Joannou (b.1978- Cyprus)
  • Elliott, Mark Alan (b.1972- USA)
  • Encinar, Jose Ramon (b.1954- Spain)
  • Engel, Claude (b.1948- France) page
  • Enriquez, Claudio 'Pino' (b.1961- Argentina)
  • Eotvos, Jozsef (b.1962- Hungary) page
  • Erbse, Heimo (b.1924- Germany)
  • Erding-Swiridoff, Susanne (b.1955- Germany)
  • Erdmann, Dietrich (b.1917- Germany)
  • Erni, Michael (b.1956- Germany)
  • Escobar, Pablo (b.1900- Paraguay)
  • Espinosa Garay, Leandro (b.1955- Mexico)
  • Espla (y Triay), Oscar (1889-1976 Spain)
  • Estrada, Jesus (b.1898- Mexico)
  • Ewers, Juergen (1937-1965 Germany)
  • Eynard, Camille (1882-1977 France)
  • Eythorsson, Sveinn (b.1964- Iceland) page
  • Ezaki, Kejiro (b.1926- Japan)
  • Fabini, (Felix) Eduardo (1882-1950 Uruguay)
  • Falckenhagen, Adam (1697-1761 Germany)
  • Falla, Manuel de (1876-1946 Spain-Argentina) page
  • Fallen, Jeff (b.1954- USA) page
  • Falu, Eduardo (b.1923- Argentina)
  • Falu, Jun (b.1948- Argentina)
  • Fampas, Dimitris (1921-1997 Greece) page
  • Farago, Bela (b.1961- Hungary)
  • Farinas, Carlos (b.1934- Cuba)
  • Farkas, Ferenc (1905-2000 Hungary)
  • Farnaby, Giles (1563-1640 UK) bio
  • Farquhar, David (Andross) (b.1928- New Zealand)
  • Farrell, Terrence (b.1950- USA) page
  • Faure, Gabriel(-Urbain) (1845-1924 France) link
  • Feld, Jindrich (b.1925- Czechoslovakia)
  • Feldbusch, Eric (b.1922- Belgium)
  • Fellagara, Vittorio (b.1927- Italy)
  • Ferandiere, Fernando (1750-1816 Spain)
  • Fernandez Alvez, Gabriel (b.1943- Spain)
  • Fernandez, Eduardo (b.1952- Uruguay)
  • Fernandez, Heraclio (1851-1886 Venezuela)
  • Fernandez, Oscar Lorenzo (1897-1948 Brazil)
  • Ferneyhough, Brian (b.1943- UK) page
  • Ferrabosco, Alfonso I (1575-1628 Italy) page
  • Ferrer y Esteve, Jose (1835-1916 Spain)
  • Ferrer, Edgar R (b.1964- Argentina)
  • Fetherolf, David (b.1956- USA) e-mail
  • Fetler, Paul (b.1920- USA)
  • Feuerstein, Robert (b.1949- Canada)
  • Fillipi, Amadeo de (b.1900- Italy-USA)
  • Fink, Michael (b.1939- USA)
  • Flechtner, Gunter (b.1952- Germany) page
  • Fleury, Abel (1903-1958 Argentina)
  • Flores Mendez, Guillermo (b.1920- Mexico)
  • Flores, Eduardo (b.1960- Ecuador)
  • Flothuis, Marius (b. 1914- Netherlands) page
  • Foden, William (1860-1947 USA)
  • Fonseca, Carlos Alberto (b.1933- Brazil)
  • Fontana, Fabio (b.1961- Italy)
  • Fortea, Daniel (1878-1953 Spain)
  • Fossa, François de (1775-1849 Spain-France) bio
  • Foster, Stephen Collins (1826-1864 USA) page
  • Fouillaud, Patrice (b.1949- France)
  • Fraioli, Vincent (b.1953- USA)
  • Francaix, Jean (1912-1997 France) bio
  • Franceries, Marc (b.1936- France)
  • Francis, John (b.1959- USA) page
  • Franck, Cesar Auguste (1822-1890 Belgium) link
  • Franck, Joseph (1825-1891 Belgium-France)
  • Freidlin, Jan (b.1944- Russia)
  • Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1646 Italy) link
  • Fricker, Peter Racine (1920-1990 UK-USA) page
  • Friedel, Kurt Joachim (b.1921- Germany)
  • Friessnegg, Karl (1900-1981 Austria)
  • Froberger, Johann Jakob (1617-1667 Germany) page
  • Fröhlich, Frank (b.1964- Germany) page
  • Frost, Donald (b.1951- USA)
  • Frumerie, Gunnar de (b.1908- Sweden) page
  • Fuenllana, Miguel de (1500?-1579 Spain)
  • Fujii, Keigo (b.1956- Japan)
  • Fujiie. Keiko (b.1963- Japan) page
  • Fulkerson, James (Orville) (b.1945- USA)
  • Gabus, Monique (b.1924- France)
  • Gagnon, Claude (b.1950- Canada)
  • Galan, Natalio (b.1917-1985 Cuba)
  • Galilei, Michelangelo (1575-1631 Italy)
  • Galilei, Vincenzo (1520-1591 Italy) link
  • Galindo, Blas (1910-1993 Mexico)
  • Galindo, Jose Antonio (b.1946- Spain)
  • Galuppi, Baldassare (1706-1785 Italy) page
  • Gammie, Ian (b.1943- UK)
  • Gangi, Mario (b.1923- Italy)
  • Gaquere, Boris (b.1977- Belgium) e-mail
  • Garcia Abril, Anton (b.1933- Spain)
  • Garcia Ascot, Rosa (b.1906- Spain)
  • Garcia de Leon, Ernesto (b.1952- Mexico)
  • Garcia Laborda, Jose Maria (b.1946- Spain)
  • Garcia Lorca, Federico (1899-1936 Spain)
  • Garcia, Anthony (b.1969- USA-Australia) page
  • Garcia, Gerald (b.1949- Hong Kong-UK) page
  • Gargiulo, Terenzio (1905-1972 Italy)
  • Garoto (Annibal Augusto Sardinha) (1915-1955 Brazil) link
  • Garrett, David Maurice (b.1969- USA) page
  • Garsi da Parma, Santino (1542-1604 Italy)
  • Gartenlaub, Odette (b.1922- France)
  • Gascon, Leon Vicente (b.1896- Argentina)
  • Gasparini, Luigi (b.1955- Italy)
  • Gasser, Luis (b.1951- Spain)
  • Gast, Wolfgang (b.1955- Germany)
  • Gaudibert, Eric (b.1936- France)
  • Gaultier, Denis (1603-1672 Spain)
  • Gaultier, Enemond (1575?-1651 France)
  • Gavarone, Gerard (b.1943- France)
  • Geddes, John Maxwell (b.1941- UK)
  • Gefors, Hans (b.1952- Sweden)
  • Generaux, Roger (1941-1978 France)
  • Genzmer, Harald (b.1909- Germany)
  • Gerber, Heinz (b.1953- Germany)
  • Gerhard, Fr Ch (b.1911- Germany)
  • Gerhard, Roberto (1896-1970 Spain-UK) page
  • Gershwin, George (1898-1937 USA) link
  • Ghedini, Giorge Federico (1892-1965 Italy)
  • Giacometti, Antonio (b.1957- Italy)
  • Gianfreda, Massimo (b.1954- Italy)
  • Gilardi, Gilardo (1889-1963 Argentina)
  • Gilardino, Angelo (b.1941- Italy) page
  • Ginastera, Alberto (1916-1983 Argentina-Switzerland) page
  • Giorginakis, Kiriakos (1950-1989 Greece)
  • Gismonti, Egberto (1947- Brazil)
  • Giuliani-Guglielmi, Emilia (1813-c.1840 Italy) music
  • Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829 Italy) page
  • Giuranna, E Barabara (b.1902- Italy)
  • Glanert, Detlev (b.1960- Germany) page
  • Glasser, Stanley (b.1926- South Africa)
  • Glinka, Mikhail (1804-1857 Russia) music
  • Glise, Anthony (b.1956- USA-France) page
  • Gnattali, Radames (1906-1988 Brazil)
  • Gomez Crespo, Jorge (1900-1971 Argentina)
  • Gomez, Calleja (1874-1938 Spain)
  • Gomez, Guillermo (1880-1953 Spain-Mexico) page
  • Gomez, Vincente (b.1911- Spain)
  • Gonzaga, Chiquinha (1847-1935 Brazil)
  • Gonzaga, Luis (1912-1989 Brazil)
  • Gonzalez-Medina, Enrique (b.1954- Mexico-USA) page
  • Gore, Dennis (b.1947- UK)
  • Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (1829-1869 USA) music
  • Gounod, Charles (François) (1818-1893 France) bio
  • Graf, Richard (b.1967- Austria) page
  • Gragnani, Filippo (1768-1820 Italy) page
  • Graham, James Paul (b.1955- Canada) page
  • Gramatges, Harold (b.1918- Cuba)
  • Granados y Campina, Enrique (1867-1916 Spain) link
  • Granata, Gioan Battista (1620?-1690? Italy)
  • Grandis, Renato de (b.1927- Italy)
  • Grau, Agusti (b.1893- Spain)
  • Grau, Eduardo (b.1919- Spain)
  • Greene, Richard (b.1948- USA) page
  • Gregory, Paul (b.1956- UK)
  • Grenerin, Henry (1650? France)
  • Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907 Norway) link
  • Grigoreas, Kostas (b.1957- Greece) page
  • Grimm, Friedrich Karl (b.1902- Germany)
  • Groot, Cor de (b.1914- Netherlands)
  • Grosskopf, Giovanni (b.1966- Italy) page
  • Grossnick, Horst (b.1957- Germany)
  • Grunhagen, Norbert (b.1942- Germany)
  • Guarnieri, (Mozart) Camargo (b.1907- Brazil)
  • Guastavino, Carlos (b.1914- Argentina) bio
  • Guerau, Francisco (1600? Spain)
  • Guimaraes, Joao (Pernambuco) (1883-1947 Brazil)
  • Guinjoan, Joan (b.1931- Spain)
  • Gulikers, Frans (b.1957- Netherlands)
  • Gunsenheimer, Gustav (b.1934- Germany)
  • Gutierrez, Arnol del Giorgio (1892-? Argentina)
  • Gutierrez, Miguel Angel (b.1958- Spain)
  • Guyun (V Gonzalez Rubiera) (1908-1987 Cuba)
  • Habe, Tomaz (b.1947- Slovenia)
  • Hadjidakis, Manos (1925-1996 Greece)
  • Hahn, David (b.1956- USA) page
  • Hajdu, Georg (b.1960- Germany) page
  • Halffter, (Jimenez) Cristobal (b.1930- Spain)
  • Halffter, Ernesto (1905-1989 Spain)
  • Halffter, Rodolfo (1900-1987 Spain)
  • Hallgrimsson, Haflidi (b.1941- Iceland) page
  • Hallnas, (Johan) Hilding (1903-1984 Sweden)
  • Hamel, Peter Michael (b.1947- Germany)
  • Hand, Colin (b.1929- UK)
  • Hand, Frederick (b.1947- USA)
  • Handel, Georg Friedrich (1685-1759 Germany-UK) bio
  • Hara, Hiroshi (b.1933- Japan)
  • Harris, Albert (b.1916- USA)
  • Harrison, Lou (b.1917- USA)
  • Hartig, Heinz (Friedrich) (1907-1969 Germany)
  • Harting-Ware, Lynn (b.1959- Canada) page
  • Hartog, Cees (b.1949- Netherlands)
  • Harvey, David (b.1959- UK) page
  • Hassler, Hans Leo (1564-1612 Germany) music
  • Hasted, Derek (1953- UK) page
  • Haubensak, Edu (b.1954- Finland)
  • Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman (1919-1994 Poland)
  • Hauer, Josef Matthias (1883-1959 Austria)
  • Haug, Halvor (b.1952- Norwey)
  • Haug, Hans (1900-1967 Switzerland)
  • Haussner, Gert (b.1963- Austria) page
  • Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809 Austria) bio
  • Hayes, John (b.1948- UK) page
  • Head, Brian (b.1964- USA) page
  • Heer, Hans de (b.1927- Netherlands)
  • Heider, Werner (b.1930- Germany)
  • Heiller, Anton (1923-1979 Austria) page
  • Hein, Douglas M (b.1950- USA)
  • Heinze, Walter (b.1943- Argentina)
  • Hekster, Walter (b.1937- Netherlands)
  • Helguera, Juan (b.1932- Mexico)
  • Heller, Stephen (1813-1888 Hungary) bio
  • Hellerman, William (b.1939- USA)
  • Henke, Matthias (b.1953- Germany)
  • Henriquez, Josep (b.1951- Spain)
  • Henze, Hans Werner (b.1926- Germany) page bio
  • Herold, Johann Theordor (1550-1603 Germany)
  • Hespos, Hans Joachim (b.1938- Germany)
  • Hess, Ernst (1912-1968 Switzerland)
  • Hest, Rowy van (b.1955- Netherlands) page
  • Hetu, Jacques (Joseph Bobert) (b.1938- Canada)
  • Hewitt, David (b.1947- UK-South Africa)
  • Hill, Frank (b.1957- Germany) page
  • Hinojosa, Javier (b.1933- Mexico)
  • Hirayoshi, Takekuni (b.1936- Japan)
  • Hirschelman, Evan (b.1977- USA) page
  • Hoch, Peter (b.1937- Germany)
  • Hochweber, Jorg (b.1951- Switzerland)
  • Hoddinott, Alun (b.1929- UK)
  • Hodel, Brian (b.1948- USA)
  • Hojsgaard, Erik (b.1954- Denmark) bio
  • Holborne, Anthony (1540?-1602 UK) page
  • Holecek, Josef (b.1939- Czechoslovakia-Sweden) page
  • Holland, Justin (1819-1887 USA)
  • Hollos, Mate (b.1954- Hungary)
  • Holmboe, Vagn (1909-1996 Denmark) bio
  • Holst, Gustavus Theodore (1874-1934 UK) page
  • Homs, Joaquin (b.1906- Spain) page
  • Honma, Masao (b.1930- Japan) page
  • Horetzky, Felix (1796-1870 Poland)
  • Houghton, Mark (b.1959- UK) music
  • Houghton, Philip (b.1954- Australia)
  • Houtsma (Madera), Jorge (b.1965- Netherlands) page
  • Hove, Joachim v d (1567-1620 Netherlands)
  • Hovhaness, Alan (Vaness Scott) (b.1911- USA) link
  • Hradecky, Emil (b.1953- Czechoslovakia)
  • Huang, Ssu-Yu (b.1970- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Huber, Klaus (b.1924- Switzerland) page
  • Hubler, Klaus Karl (b.1956- Germany)
  • Hubner, Tilman (b.1960- Germany)
  • Hudson, Roger (b.1961- USA) page
  • Hugon, Georges (b.1904- France)
  • Humel, Gerald (b.1931- USA)
  • Hummel, Bertold (1925-2002 Germany) page
  • Hunt, Oliver (b.1934- UK)
  • Hvlszky, Adriana (b.1953- Rumania-Germany)
  • Ibert, Jacques (François Antoine) (1890-1962 France) bio
  • Ifukube, Akira (b.1914- Japan)
  • Iiriti, Mauro (b.1952- Italy)
  • Isbin, Gilbert (b.1953- Belgium) page
  • Ivanov-Kramskoy, Alexander (1912-1973 Russia)
  • Izarra, Adina (b.1959- Venezuela) e-mail
  • Iznaola, Ricardo (b.1949- Cuba-USA) page
  • Jackman, Richard Miles (b.1950- Australia-Germany) page
  • Jager, Harry (b.1958- Germany)
  • Jakola, Arto (b.1947- Finland)
  • Jamieson, Douglas (b.1949- Canada)
  • Jelinek, Hanns (1901-1969 Austria)
  • Jelinek, Ivan (1683-1759 Bohemia)
  • Jenkins, John (1592-1678 UK) bio
  • Jirmal, Jiri (b.1925- Czechoslovakia) page
  • Joachim, Otto (b.1910- Germany-Canada)
  • Jobim, Antonio Carlos (1927-1994 Brazil) page
  • Johanson, Bryan (b.1951- USA)
  • Johnson, John (1540-1594 UK)
  • Johnson, Robert (1583-1633 UK)
  • Johnson, Timothy Ernest (b.1968- USA) page
  • Jolas, Betsy (b.1923- USA)
  • Jolivet, Andre (1905-1974 France) bio
  • Joplin, Scott (1868-1917 USA) page bio
  • Jorgensen, Axel Borup (b.1924- Denmark)
  • Jose, Antonio (Martinez Palacios) (1902-1936 Spain)
  • Judenkonig, Hans (1450-1526 Germany)
  • Julia, Bernardo (b.1922- Spain)
  • Jung, Helge (b.1943- Germany)
  • Jurkowski, Edmund (1935-1989 Ukraine-Poland)
  • Kabalevsky, Dmitri Borisovich (1904-1987 Russia) bio
  • Kadosa, Pal (1903-1983 Hungary)
  • Kagel, Mauricio (b.1931- Argentina) page
  • Kalabis, Viktor (b.1923- Czechoslovakia)
  • Kalmar, Laszlo (b.1931- Hungary)
  • Kampela, Arthur (b.1962- Brazil)
  • Kanaris, Leonidas (b.1959- Greece)
  • Kaplan, Jose Alberto (b.1935- Argentina-Brazil)
  • Kapsberger, Johann H (1575-1661 Germany)
  • Kargel, Sixtus (1500? Germany)
  • Karjalainen, Kari (b.1953- Finland)
  • Karlsson, Patrik (b.1975- Sweden) page
  • Kaufhaus, Johann A (b.1903- Algeria)
  • Kaufmann, Armin (1902-1980 Austria)
  • Kef, Kees (1894-1961 Netherlands)
  • Keinemann, Karl Heinz (b.1935- Germany)
  • Kellner, David (1670-1747 Germany) link
  • Kelly, Bryan (b.1934- UK)
  • Kelterborn, Rudolf (b.1931- Switzerland) page
  • Kern, Jerome (1885-1945 USA)
  • Kernis, Aaron Jay (b.1960- USA) page
  • Kerr, Harrison (1897-1978 USA)
  • Khachaturian, Aram Ilich (1903-1978 Russia) link
  • Kilvington, Chris (1944-1999 UK)
  • Kinast, Rainer (b.1951- Germany)
  • Kindle, Jurg (b.1960- Switzerland) page
  • King, David (b.1949- UK)
  • King, John (b.1953- USA)
  • Kinsey, Avril (b.1955- UK-South Africa) page
  • Kirschbaum, Christoph (b.1958- Germany)
  • Kiselev, Oleg (b.1964- Russia)
  • Klatzow, Peter (b.1945- South Africa)
  • Klebe, Giselher (Wolfgang) (b.1925- Germany)
  • Klein, Lothar (b.1932- Canada)
  • Kleynjans, Francis (b.1951- France)
  • Knjze, Francisco Max (1784-1840 Czechoslovakia) page
  • Koch-Raphael, Erwin (b.1949- Germany)
  • Koch, Erland von (b.1910- Sweden)
  • Koch, Gareth (b.1962- Australia)
  • Kocsar, Miklos (b.1933- Hungary)
  • Kohn, Karl (Georg) (b.1926- Austria-USA)
  • Kolb, Barbara (b.1939- USA) page
  • Kolz, Ernst (b.1929- Germany)
  • Komter, Jan Marten (1905-1984 Netherlands)
  • Konietzny, Heinrich (1910-1983 Germany)
  • Kont, Paul (b.1920- Austria)
  • Koshkin, Nikita (b.1956- Russia)
  • Kostal, Arnost (b.1920- Czechoslovakia)
  • Kotonaki, Wlodzimierz (b.1925- Poland)
  • Kounadis, Arghyris P (b.1924- Greece)
  • Kovats, Barna (b.1920- Hungary)
  • Kozeluh, Leopold (Jan Antonion) (1747-1818 Bohemia)
  • Kozlov, Viktor (b.1958- Russia) page
  • Kratochwil, Heinz (1933-1995 Austria)
  • Krenek, Ernst (1900-1991 Austria-USA)
  • Krieger, Edino (b.1928- Brazil)
  • Krieger, Johann (1651-1735 Germany)
  • Kristianto, Jubing (b.1966- Indonesia) page
  • Kropfreiter, Augustus Franz (b.1936- Austria)
  • Krouse, Ian (b.1956- USA)
  • Krstic, Branimir (b.1969- Croatia) page
  • Kruisbrink, Annette (b.1958- Netherlands) page
  • Krylov, Andrey Genlinovich (b.1959- Russia) page
  • Kubizek, Augustin (b.1918- Austria)
  • Kucera, Vaclav (b.1929- Czechoslovakia)
  • Kuffner, Joseph (1776-1856 Germany)
  • Kuhnau, Johann (1660-1722 Germany) music
  • Kukuck, Felicitas (b.1914- Germany)
  • Kurjata, Tomasz (b.1967- Poland) page
  • Labrouve, Jorge (b.1948- Spain)
  • Lachenmann, Helmut (b.1935- Germany) page
  • Ladron, Raul de Guevara (b.1934- Mexico)
  • Laferney, Michael Sean (b.1980- USA)
  • Lagoya, Alexandre (1929-1999 Egypt-France) music
  • Lahav, Naftali (b.1952- Israel) page
  • Lajarrige, Marc (b.1945- France)
  • Lambert, Richard (b.1951- UK)
  • Lambro, Philip (b.1935- USA)
  • Lancen, Serge (Jean Mathieu) (b.1922- France)
  • Langer, Michael (b.1959- Austria)
  • Langford, Gordon (b.1930- UK)
  • Lanz, Joseph (1797-? Austria)
  • Larsen, Libby (b.1950- USA) page
  • Larsson, Martin Q (b.1968- Sweden) page
  • Lasala, Angel (b.1914- Argentina)
  • Lauber, Anne (b.1943- Switzerland-Canada)
  • Lauro, Antonio (1917-1986 Venezuela) page
  • Lawall, George (b.1952- Germany)
  • Lawrence, Alan (b.1949- UK)
  • Lazaro, Jose (b.1941- Spain)
  • Le Cocq, François (1700? Belgium)
  • Le Gars, Marc (b.1954- France)
  • Lebendorf, Nicolaus Schmal (1600? Germany)
  • Lechthaler, Josef (1891-1948 Austria)
  • Leclercq, Norbert (b.1944- Belgium)
  • Lecuona, Ernesto (1896-1963 Cuba)
  • Leduc, Jacques (b.1932- Belgium)
  • Leeuw, Ton de (b.1926- Netherlands)
  • Legley, Victor (b.1915- Belgium)
  • Legnani, Luigi Rinaldo (1790-1877 Italy) page
  • Leguay, Jean Pierre (b.1939- France)
  • Lehmann, Hans Ulrich (b.1937- Switzerland) page
  • Leisner, David (b.1953- USA) page
  • Lejet, Edith (b.1941- France)
  • Lemaigre, Philippe (b.1950- Belgium)
  • Lemeland, Aubert (b.1932- France)
  • Lemming, Frederik Carl (1782-1846 Denmark) page
  • Lendle, Wolfgang (b.1948- Germany)
  • Lennon, John (1940-1980 UK-USA) link
  • Lennon, John Anthony (b.1950- USA)
  • Lentini, James (b.1958- USA) page
  • Lenz, Richard (b.1972- Netherlands-Australia) page
  • Leon, Tania (b.1943- Cuba)
  • Lerich, Pierre (b.1937- France)
  • Leroux, Philippe (b.1959- France)
  • Lester, Bryan (b.1939- UK)
  • Levin, Stefan (b.1964- Sweden)
  • Lewis, Peter Scott (b.1953- USA) page
  • Liadov, Anatoli (Konstantinovich) (1855-1914 Russia) bio
  • Lieske, Wulfin (b.1956- Germany) page
  • Lilburn, Douglas Gordon (b.1915- New Zealand) page
  • Lind, Ekard (b.1945- Germany)
  • Linde, Hans Martin (b.1930- Germany)
  • Lindsey-Clark, Vincent (b.1956- UK)
  • Lindsey, George C (1855-1943 USA)
  • Linke, Norbert (b.1933- Germany)
  • Linneman, Maria (b.1948- Netherlands-UK)
  • Liszt, Franz (1811-1886 Hungary) bio
  • Liu, Xiaogen (b.1955- China)
  • Llobet, Miguel (1878-1938 Spain)
  • Lloyd Webber, Andrew (b.1948- UK) page
  • Locatelli, Pietro Antonio (1695-1764 Italy) link
  • Loeillet, Jean-Baptiste (1680-1730 Belgium) page
  • Logy, Johann Anton (1650-1721 Bohemia)
  • Lombardi, Luca (b.1945- Italy)
  • Lopes-Graca, Fernando (1906-1994 Portugal)
  • Lopez-Chavarri, Eduardo (1875-1970 Spain)
  • Lorentzen, Bent (b.1935- Denmark) bio
  • Lotz, Hans Georg (b.1943- Germany)
  • Louis, Kurt (b.1958- USA) page
  • Lovelady, William (b.1945- UK)
  • Lu, Zhao Xuan (b.1929- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Lucarelli, Michael (b.1959- USA) page
  • Luening, Otto (Clarence) (b.1900- USA)
  • Luiz, Nonato (b.1955- Brazil) page
  • Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687 Italy-France) link
  • Lunden, Lennart (1914-1966 Sweden)
  • Lutoslawski, Witold (b.1913-1994 Poland) link
  • Lutyens, Elisabeth (1906-1984 UK) page
  • Lutzemberger, Cesare (b.1918- Italy)
  • MacCombie, Bruce (b.1943- USA)
  • Machado, Celso (b.1953- Brazil)
  • Maddock, Andrew (b.1974- USA) page
  • Maderna, Bruno (1920-1973 Italy-Germany) page
  • Madureira, Antonio (b.1949- Brazil) page
  • Maes, Jef (b.1905- Belgium) page
  • Magen, Eli (b.1935- Israel)
  • Maggio, Robert (b.1964- USA) page
  • Maghini, Ruggero (1913-1977 Italy)
  • Magli, Daniele (b.1977- Italy) page
  • Mairants, Ivor (b.1908- Poland-UK)
  • Major, John (b.1954- USA)
  • Malats, Joaquim (1872-1912 Spain)
  • Maldonado, Raul (b.1937- Argentina)
  • Malipiero, Gian Francesco (1882-1973 Italy) bio
  • Malipiero, Riccardo (b.1914- Italy)
  • Mamangakis, Nikos (b.1929- Greece)
  • Mamlok, Ursula (b.1928- USA)
  • Man, Roderik de (b.1941- Netherlands)
  • Manen, Joan (1883-1971 Spain)
  • Manjon, Antonio Gimeniz (1866-1919 Spain)
  • Manneke, Daan (b.1939- Netherlands) page
  • Marcello, Benedetto (1686-1739 Italy) bio
  • Marchelie, Erik (b.1957- France)
  • Marckhl, Erich (1902-1980 Austria)
  • Marco, Tomas (b.1942- Spain)
  • Marcussen, Kjell (b.1952- Norway)
  • Margola, Franco (b.1908- Italy)
  • Margola, Manuel (b.1943- Italy)
  • Marquez, Nessa (b.1962- USA) page
  • Marschner, Heinrich (August) (1795-1861 Germany) bio
  • Marsh, Steve (b.1949- UK)
  • Marshall, Ingram (b.1945- USA)
  • Marshall, Nicholas (b.1942- UK)
  • Marti, Heinz (b.1934- Germany)
  • Martin Llado, Miguel A (b.1950- Spain)
  • Martin, Frank (1890-1974 Switzerland-Netherlands) page bio
  • Martinez Zarate, Jorge (1923-1993 Argentina)
  • Martini, Giovanni (1706-1784 Italy)
  • Martini, Jean Paul Egide (1741-1816 Germany)
  • Martins, Vasco Jorge Coelho Oliveira (b.1956- Cape Verde Islands) page
  • Marton, Eugen Mihai (b.1946- Rumania-Germany)
  • Mas, Jean Luc (b.1956- France)
  • Masala, Roberto (b.1954- Italy)
  • Masini, Fabio (b.1961- Italy)
  • Massenet, Jules(-Emile-Frederic) (1842-1912 France) bio
  • Matiegka, Wenzeslaus (1773-1830 Bohemia)
  • Matos Rodriguez, G H (1900-1948 Uruguay)
  • Matsudaire, Yoriaki (b.1931- Japan)
  • Maw, (John) Nicholas (b.1935- UK) page
  • Maxwell Davies, Peter (b.1934- UK) page
  • Mazis, Spyros (b.1950- Greece)
  • McCabe, John (b.1939- UK) page
  • McCartney, Paul (b.1942- UK) page
  • McGuire, Edward (b.1948- UK) page
  • McPherson, Gordon (b.1965- UK) page
  • Medek, Tilo (b.1940- Germany)
  • Meester, Louis de (1904-1987 Belgium)
  • Meier, Jost (b.1939- Germany)
  • Meijering, Chiel (b.1954- Netherlands)
  • Meijering, Cord (b.1955- Germany-Netherlands)
  • Meisonnier, Joseph (1790-1855 France)
  • Melia, Gabriello (1790-1850? Italy)
  • Melii, Pietro Paulo (1579-? Italy)
  • Mellers, Wilfred (b.1914- UK)
  • Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix (1809-1847 Germany) bio
  • Meranger, Paul (b.1936- France)
  • Merchi, Guacomo (1730-1789 Italy)
  • Merlin, Jose Luis (b.1952- Argentina) page
  • Mersson, Boris (b.1921- Switzerland)
  • Mertz, Johann Kaspar (1806-1856 Hungary)
  • Mestres-Quadreny, Josep (Maria) (b.1929- Spain)
  • Middleton, Owen (b.1941- USA)
  • Mignone, Francisco (Paulo) (1897-1986 Brazil) page
  • Migot, Georges (1891-1976 France) page
  • Milan, Luis (1500-1561 Spain) page
  • Milano, Francesco da (1497-1543 Italy)
  • Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974 France) bio
  • Miliaressis, Gerassimos (b.1918- Greece)
  • Miller, Alton 'Glenn' (1904-1944 USA) link
  • Mills, John (b.1947- UK)
  • Milovanov, Dmitri (b.1970- Russia)
  • Mindlin, Adolfo (b.1922- France)
  • Miranda, Ronaldo (b.1948- Brazil)
  • Miroglio, Francis (b.1924- France)
  • Miteran, Alain (b.1941- France)
  • Mittergradnegger, Günther (b.1923- Austria)
  • Miyoshi, Akira (b.1933- Japan)
  • Mojzis, Vojtech (b.1949- Czechoslovakia)
  • Molina, Luis Manuel (b.1959- Cuba)
  • Molinaro, Simone (1565-1615 Italy)
  • Molino, Francesco (1768-1847 Italy) page
  • Molitor, Simon (1766-1848 Austria)
  • Mollberg, Jonas (b.1964- Sweden) page
  • Mompou, Federico (1893-1987 Spain) bio
  • Monk, Thelonious Sphere (1917-1982 USA)
  • Montero, Joaquin (1750? Spain)
  • Montes, Alfonso (b.1955- Venezuela) page,e-mail
  • Monti, Alessio (b.1947- Italy)
  • Monzino, Giacomo (1772-1854 Italy) page
  • Moracon, Guy (b.1927- France)
  • Morales Caso, Eduardo (b.1969- Cuba-Spain) page
  • Morel, François (b.1926- Canada) page
  • Morel, Jorge (b.1931- Argentina)
  • Moreno-Torroba, Federico (1891-1982 Spain) page
  • Moreno, Juan Antonio (b.1953- Spain)
  • Moretti, Luigi (1750-1838 Spain)
  • Morlaye, Guillaume (1515?-1565? France)
  • Morley, Thomas (1557-1602 UK) bio
  • Morricone, Ennio (b.1928- Italy) page
  • Morscheck, Peter (b.1960- Germany) page
  • Mortari, Virgillo (b.1902- Italy)
  • Mosca, Luigi (b.1957- Italy)
  • Mosso, Carlo (b.1931- Italy)
  • Mourat, Jean Maurice (b.1944- France)
  • Mourey, Colette (b.1954- Marocco-France) page
  • Moyano, Ricardo (b.1961- Argentina) page
  • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791 Austria) bio
  • Mozzani, Luigi (1869-1943 Italy) page
  • Mronski, Stanislaw (b.1926- Poland)
  • Mudarra, Alonso de (1508-1580 Spain)
  • Muhatdinov, Sharif (b.1947- Russia)
  • Munoz Molleda, Jose (1905-1988 Spain)
  • Murail, Tristan (b.1947- France)
  • Muro, Juan Antonio (b.1945- Spain-Finland)
  • Murtula, Giovanni (1881-1964 Italy)
  • Musgrave, Thea (b.1928- UK) page
  • Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich (1839-1881 Russia) link
  • Muthspiel, Wolfgang (b.1965- Austria)
  • Myers, Stanley (1934-1993 UK)
  • Nardelli, Mario (b.1927- Croatia)
  • Narvaez, Jose-Luis (b.1953- France)
  • Narvaez, Luis de (1510-1555 Spain)
  • Nava, Antonio (1775-1826 Italy) page
  • Navarro, Hernán (b.1973- Argentina) page
  • Navok, Lior (b.1971- Israel) page
  • Nazareth, Ernesto (1863-1934 Brazil) page
  • Negri, Cesare (1536-1604 Italy)
  • Neumann, Friedrich (1915-1989 Austria)
  • Neumann, Ulrik (b.1918- Sweden)
  • Neusidler, Hans (1508-1563 Germany)
  • Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590 Germany)
  • Newling, Graham (b.1957- UK)
  • Nickerson, Joe (b.1951- USA)
  • Nicolau, Dimitri (b.1946- Greece-Italy) page
  • Niehusmann, Volker (b.1963- Germany) page
  • Nielsen, Tage (b.1929- Denmark) bio
  • Nieman, Alfred (b.1913- UK)
  • Nieminen, Kai (b.1953- Finland) page
  • Nightingale, Daniel (b.1950- USA) bio
  • Nikolopoulos, Angelos (b.1958- Greece)
  • Nin-Culmell, Joaquin (b.1908- Spain) bio
  • Nobre, Marlos (b.1939- Brazil)
  • Nockalls, Martin (b.1954- UK)
  • Noda, Teruyuki (b.1940- Japan)
  • Nogatz, Hubertus (b.1956- Germany)
  • Nogueira, Paulinho (b.1929- Brazil) page
  • Nord, Frederick (b.1929- UK-USA) page
  • Nordgren, Pehr Henrik (b.1944- Finland)
  • Nordstroem, Hans-Henrik (b.1947- Denmark) page
  • Norgard, Per (b.1932- Denmark) bio
  • Norge, Kaare (b.1963- Denmark) page
  • Norholm, Ib (b.1931- Denmark) bio
  • Norman, Theodore (1912-1997 Canada-USA)
  • Northcott, Bayan (b.1940- UK)
  • Norton, Christopher (b.1953- New Zealand)
  • Novak, Jan (1921-1984 Czechoslovakia)
  • Nunn, Ruth (b.1954- UK)
  • Nuttall, Peter (b.1949- UK)
  • O'Toole, Michael (b.1951- Ireland) page
  • Obrovska, Jana (1930-1987 Czechoslovakia)
  • Oehring, Helmut (b.1961- Germany) page
  • Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880 France) link
  • Ohana, Maurice (1914-1992 Spain-France) page
  • Oliver, Stephen (b.1950- UK)
  • Olsen, Poul Rovsing (1922-1982 Denmark) bio
  • Olshanskij, Anatoli (b.1956- Russia)
  • Onna, Peter van (b.1966- Netherlands)
  • Oort, Bob (b.1940- Netherlands-Australia)
  • Opitz, Erich (b.1912- Germany)
  • Orbon (de Soto), Julian (1925-1991 Spain-USA)
  • Orrega-Salas, Juan (b.1919- Chile)
  • Orsolino, Federico (b.1918- Italy)
  • Otero, Francisco (b.1940- Spain) page
  • Ourkouzounov, Atanas (b.1970- Bulgaria) page
  • Owen, Jerry (b.1944- USA) bio
  • Paamino, Cristobal (b.1958- Ecuador)
  • Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706 Germany) link
  • Paco de Lucia (b.1947- Spain)
  • Padovano, Julio Cesare (1540?-1603? Italy)
  • Padovec, Ivan Eugen (1800-1873 Croatia)
  • Pagan, Juan (b.1955- Spain)
  • Paganini, Niccolo (1782-1840 Italy) page
  • Pairman, David (b.1947- UK)
  • Palau Boix, Manuel (1893-1967 Spain)
  • Panin, Piotr (b.1938- Russia)
  • Papandopulo, Boris (1906-1991 Croatia)
  • Paradis, Maria Theresia von (1759-1824 Austria)
  • Paraskevas, Apostolos (b.1964- Greece) page
  • Parfrey, Raymond (b.1928- UK)
  • Parga, Juan (1843-1899 Spain)
  • Pastor, Segundo (b. 1916- Spain)
  • Patachich, Ivan (b.1922- Hungary)
  • Paubon, Pierre (b.1910- France)
  • Paulus, Stephen (Harrison) (b.1949- USA)
  • Pearce, John (b.1956- USA) page
  • Pearson, Robin J (1941-1983 UK)
  • Pearson, Stephen Funk (b.1950- USA)
  • Pedrell, Carlos (1878-1941 Uruguay)
  • Pedrell, Felipe (1841-1922 Spain)
  • Peng, Jing (b.1965- Taiwan ROC)
  • Penicaud, Eric (b.1952- France)
  • Peraldo Bert, Nilo (b.1915- Italy)
  • Persch, Ralf (b.1960- Germany)
  • Persechetti, Vincent (Ludwig) (1915-1987 USA) page
  • Peruzzi, Aurelio (b.1921- Italy)
  • Pessina, Carlo (b.1960- Italy)
  • Petit, Jean-Louis (b.1937- France)
  • Petit, Pierre (b.1922- France)
  • Petit, Raymond (b.1893- France)
  • Petrassi, Goffredo (b.1904- Italy)
  • Pettoletti, Pietro (1800-1870? Italy)
  • Peyrot, Fernande (1888-1978 Switzerland)
  • Philba, Nicole (b.1937- France)
  • Philippi, Raimund (b.1963- Germany)
  • Phillips, Peter (1561-1628 UK) music
  • Piazzolla, Astor (1921-1992 Argentina) page
  • Picchianti, Luigi (1786-1864 Italy) page
  • Piccinini, Alessandro (1566-1639 Italy)
  • Pierre, Alain (b.1966- Belgium)
  • Pilkington, Francis (1565-1635 UK)
  • Pilsl, Fritz (b.1933- Germany)
  • Piorkowski, James (b.1956- USA) page
  • Pires De Campos, Lina (b.1918- Brazil)
  • Piris, Bernard (b.1951- France)
  • Pisador, Diego (1509-1557 Spain)
  • Pitfield, Thomas (Baron) (b.1903- UK)
  • Pittaluga, Gustavo (b.1906- Spain)
  • Pixinguinha, (Alfredo Vianna) (1898-1973 Brazil) page
  • Pizzini, Carlo Alberto (1905-1981 Italy)
  • Platti, Giovanni (1690-1763 Italy)
  • Platts, Kenneth (1946-1989 UK)
  • Platz, Robert H P (b.1951- Germany)
  • Playford, John (1623-1686 UK)
  • Plaza, Juan B (b.1937- Spain)
  • Pleyel, Ignance Joseph (1757-1831 Austria-France)
  • Polak, Jakub (1545?-1605 Poland)
  • Polkki, Vesa Eljas Einari (b.1948- Finland) page
  • Ponce, Juan (1480?-1521? Spain)
  • Ponce, Manuel Maria (1882-1948 Mexico) page
  • Pope, Martin (b.1955- UK)
  • Porrino, Ennio (1910-1959 Italy) page
  • Porro, Pierre-Jean (1750-1831 France)
  • Porter, Cole (1891-1964 USA)
  • Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963 France) link
  • Powell, Baden (b.1937- Brazil) page
  • Prado, Almeida (b.1943- Brazil)
  • Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621 Germany) link
  • Prat, Domingo (1886-1944 Spain-Argentina)
  • Pratesi, Mira (b.1923- Italy)
  • Prato, Juan Carlos (b.1948- Argentina)
  • Prek, Stanko (b.1915- Slovenia)
  • Presti, Ida (1924-1967 France) music
  • Previn, Andre (b.1929- Germany-USA) page
  • Prieto, Claudio (b.1934- Spain)
  • Primosch, James (b.1956- USA) page
  • Pritsker, Gene (b.1971- USA) page
  • Procaccini, Teresa (b.1934- Italy)
  • Prodigo, Sergio (b.1949- Italy)
  • Prokofieff, Serge (1891-1953 Russia) page
  • Pujol, Emilio (1886-1980 Spain)
  • Pujol, Maximo Diego (b.1957- Argentina)
  • Purcell, Daniel (1660-1717 UK)
  • Purcell, Henry (1659-1695 UK) link
  • Purser, John (b.1942- UK)
  • Putilin, Ivan (1909-1997 Russia-Finland)
  • Putz, Eduard (b.1911- Germany)
  • Putz, Friedrich (b.1950- Germany)
  • Qu, Xiao-Song (b.1952- China) page
  • Qualey, David Ernest (b.1947- USA)
  • Queiroz, Jose Oliveira (1897-1968 Brazil)
  • Rachmaninov, Sergei (Vassilievich) (1873-1943 Russia-USA) link
  • Radic', Theo (b.1949- USA) page
  • Raffman, Relly (1921-1988 USA) page
  • Raillard, Georges (b.1957- Switzerland) page
  • Rak, Stepan (b.1945- Czechoslovakia) page
  • Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764 France) link
  • Ramirez, Ariel (b.1921- Argentina)
  • Ramon y Rivera, Luis Felipe (b.1913- Venezuela)
  • Ramos, Toninho (b.1942- Brazil)
  • Ramovs, Primoz (b.1921- Slovenia)
  • Rathmell, Robert Jennings (b.1965- USA)
  • Ratkowski, Torsten (b.1954- Germany)
  • Ratz, Martin (b.1936- Germany)
  • Rautavaara, Einojuhani (b.1928- Finland) page
  • Ravel, (Joseph) Maurice (1875-1937 France) link
  • Ravinale, Irma (b.1942- Italy)
  • Rawsthorne, Alan (1905-1971 UK) music
  • Read, Gardner (b.1913- USA)
  • Rebours, Gerard (b.1950- France) page
  • Rechberger, Herman (b.1947- Austria-Finland) page
  • Regan, Michael (b.1947- UK)
  • Reger, Max (1873-1916 Germany) link
  • Regondi, Giulio (1822-1872 France-UK) page
  • Reich, Steve (b.1936- USA) link
  • Reinbothe, Helmut (b.1929- Germany)
  • Reinhardt, Jean 'Django' (1910-1953 France)
  • Reis, Dilermando (1916-1977 Brazil) page
  • Rekhin, Igor (b.1941- Russia)
  • Renault, Jean Marc (b.1954- France)
  • Reussner, Esaias (1636-1679 Germany)
  • Reutter, Hermann (1900-1985 Germany)
  • Richer, Jeannine (b.1924- France)
  • Richmond, Lewis A (b.1947- USA) page
  • Riehm, Rolf (b.1937- Germany)
  • Riera, Rodrigo (1926-1999 Venezuela)
  • Riethmuller, Heinrich (b.1921- Germany)
  • Riley, Dennis (b.1943- USA)
  • Riley, Terry (b.1935- USA)
  • Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich (1844-1908 Russia) link
  • Ritchie, Anthony (b.1960- New Zealand)
  • Ritchie, John (b.1921- New Zealand)
  • Ritter Navarro, Jorge (b.1957- Mexico)
  • Rivera, Carlos Rafael (b.1970- USA) page
  • Rivier, Jean (1896-1987 France)
  • Roberts, William (b.1950- Canada) bio
  • Robinson, Andrea (b.1956- New Zealand)
  • Robinson, Thomas (1588-1610 UK)
  • Robles, Daniel (1871-1942 Peru)
  • Rodrigo, Joaquin (1901-1999 Spain) link
  • Rodriguez Albert, Rafael (1902-1979 Spain)
  • Rodriguez, G H Matos (1900-1948 Uruguay)
  • Roe, Betty (b.1930- UK)
  • Rogatis, Teresa de (1893-1979 Italy)
  • Roland, Claude-Robert (b.1935- Belgium)
  • Roldan, Amadeo (1900-1939 Cuba)
  • Roldan, Eugene (1800? France)
  • Rolla, Alessandre (1757-1841 Italy) page
  • Rollin, Robert (b.1947- USA) bio
  • Roman, Johan Helmich (1694-1758 Sweden) bio
  • Romero, Celedonio (1913-1996 Cuba-USA) page
  • Roncalli, Ludovico (1600? Italy)
  • Rorem, Ned (b.1923- USA) page
  • Rosetta, Giuseppe (1901-1985 Italy)
  • Rosochacki, Joseph (b.1954- USA) page
  • Rosseter, Philip (1567-1623 UK)
  • Rossi, Camilla de (1650? – c. 1710 Italy) music
  • Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868 Italy) link
  • Roth, Jonathan D (b.1984- USA) page
  • Rougeron, Philippe (b.1928- France)
  • Rougier, Thierry (b.1957- France)
  • Roussel, Albert (1869-1937 France) bio
  • Roux, Patrick (b.1962- France-Canada)
  • Rovenstrunck, Bernhard (b.1920- Germany)
  • Rowley, Alec (1892-1958 UK)
  • Roy, Adrien le (1520-1598 France)
  • Royal, Timothy (b.1947- UK)
  • Rozsa, Miklos (1907-1995 Hungary-USA)
  • Rubin, Marcel (b.1905- Austria)
  • Rubinstein, David (b.1949- USA) page
  • Ruders, Poul (b.1949- Denmark) bio
  • Rudi, Rafet (b.1949- France)
  • Rudy Shackelford (b.1944- USA)
  • Ruiz de Ribayaz, Lucas (1600? Spain)
  • Ruiz-Pipo, Antonio (1934-1997 Spain-France)
  • Rung, Henrik (1807-1871 Denmark) page
  • Ruoff, Axel D (b.1957- Germany)
  • Rupert, Chris (b.1965- Canada) page
  • Rus, Ljudmil (b.1933- Slovenia)
  • Ryterband, Roman (1914-1979 Poland-USA)
  • Sabicas (Campos, Agustin Castellon) (1912-1990 Spain-USA)
  • Sacchetti, Arturo (b.1941- Italy)
  • Saenz, Pedro (b.1915- Spain-Argentina)
  • Sagreras, Gaspar (1879-1942 Argentina)
  • Sagreras, Julio Salvador (1879-1942 Spain-Argentina)
  • Sagrini, Luigi (1809-? Italy)
  • Saint-Luc, Jacques (1663-1700? France) bio
  • Saint-Saens, Camille (1835-1921 France) page
  • Sainz de la Maza, Eduardo (1903-1982 Spain)
  • Sainz de la Maza, Regino (1896-1981 Spain)
  • Salas, Manuel R (b.1954- Spain) page
  • Salazar, Adolfo (1890-1958 Spain)
  • Salonen, Veli (b.1956- Finland)
  • Salvador, Matilde (b.1918- Spain)
  • Samama, Leo (b.1951- Netherlands) page
  • Samazeuilh, Gustave (1877-1967 France)
  • Sammoutis, Evis (b.1979- Cyprus) email
  • Sander, Peter (b.1933- Hungary-UK)
  • Sandi, Luis (b.1905- Mexico)
  • Sandro, Raimondo di (b.1937- Italy)
  • Sandstrom, Sven-David (b.1942- Sweden)
  • Santa Cruz, Antonio de (1600? Spain)
  • Santa Maria, Fray Tomas de (1510-1570 Spain)
  • Santiago de Muricia (1682?-1732? Spain-Mexico)
  • Santoro, Claudio (1919-1989 Brazil)
  • Santorsola, Guido (1904-1994 Italy-Uruguay)
  • Santos, Enrique (b.1930- Mexico)
  • Santos, Turibio (b.1940- Brazil)
  • Sanz, Gaspar (1640-1710 Spain) page
  • Sardinha, Annibal Garoto (1915-1955 Brazil)
  • Sari, Josef (b.1935- Hungary)
  • Sarrablo, Manuel (1800? Cuba)
  • Sasseville, Pascal (b.1971- Canada)
  • Satie, Erik (1866-1925 France) bio
  • Sauguet, Henri (1901-1989 France) bio
  • Saumell, Manuel (1810-1870 Cuba)
  • Savio, Isaias (1902-1977 Uruguay-Brazil) page
  • Saxton, Robert (b.1953- UK) page
  • Sayage, Richard F (b.1961- USA) page
  • Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725 Italy) bio
  • Scarlatti, Domenico (1685-1757 Italy) link
  • Scartabello, Peter (b.1972- USA) page
  • Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-1988 Italy)
  • Schafer, R Murray (b.1933- Canada) link
  • Schale, Christian Friedrich (1713-1800 Germany)
  • Schaller, Erwin (b.1904- Austria)
  • Schedl, Gerhard (b.1957- Austria)
  • Scheidler, Christian Gottlieb (1752?-1815 Germany)
  • Schenk, Johann (1753-1836 Austria) page
  • Schibler, Armin (1921-1986 Switzerland)
  • Schiffman, Harold (b.1957- USA)
  • Schindler, Klaus (b.1956- Germany)
  • Schlee, Thomas Daniel (b.1957- Austria)
  • Schlick, Arnolt (1460?-1527? Germany)
  • Schlosberg, Benoit (b.1954- France)
  • Schlunz, Annette (b.1964- Germany)
  • Schlutz, Leonhard (1814-1860 Austria)
  • Schlutz, Wolfgang (b.1948- Germany)
  • Schneider, Gary M (b.1957- USA)
  • Schneider, Günther (b.1954- Austria)
  • Schoenberg, Arnold (1874-1951 Austria-USA) link
  • Schubert, Franz (1797-1828 Austria) bio
  • Schumann, Robert (1810-1856 Germany) bio
  • Schurmann, Gerhard (b.1924- Java-USA) page
  • Schwartz, Francis (b.1940- USA-Puerto Rico)
  • Schwenkglenks, Juergen (b.1956- Germany) page
  • Schytte, Ludvig (1848-1909 Denmark-Germany)
  • Scott, Cyril (1879-1970 UK) page
  • Scriabin, Alexander (1872-1915 Russia) link
  • Sculthorpe, Peter (b.1929- Australia) page
  • Searle, Humphrey (1915-1982 UK)
  • Searle, Leslie (b.1937- USA)
  • Seegner, Franz G (1800? Germany)
  • Segovia, Andres (1893-1987 Spain) page
  • Segula, Jakob (1907-1982 Slovenia)
  • Segula, Tomaz (b.1941- Slovenia)
  • Seiber, Matyas (1905-1960 Hungary-UK) music
  • Seixas, Carlos de (1704-1742 Portugal)
  • Selby, Philip (b.1948- UK)
  • Sergidis, Andreas (b.1911- Greece)
  • Sfogli, Corrando (b.1961- Italy)
  • Shackelford, Rudy (b.1944- USA)
  • Shaked, Yuval (b.1955- Germany)
  • Shand, Ernest (1868-1924 UK)
  • Shchetynsky, Alexander (b.1960- Ukraine) page
  • Shekov, Ivan (b.1942- Bulgaria)
  • Shevchenko, Anatoly (b.1938- Ukraine)
  • Shiels, Andrew (b.1957- Ireland)
  • Shiraishi, Akio (b.1920- Japan)
  • Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906-1975 Russia) link
  • Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957 Finland) link
  • Sidney, Anthony (b.1952- Italy)
  • Siegl, Otto (1896-1978 Austria)
  • Sierra-Fortuny, Jose Maria (b.1925- Spain)
  • Sierra, Roberto (b.1953- Puerto Rico) page
  • Silva, Jesus (1914-1996 Mexico-USA)
  • Sinesi, Quique (b.1960- Argentina)
  • Sitsky, Larry (b.1934- Australia)
  • Skempton, Howard (b.1947- UK) page
  • Skinger, Jim (b.1940- USA) page
  • Skinner, Tony (b.1960- UK) registry
  • Smekens, Wouter (b.1955- Belgium) e-mail
  • Smirnov, Yurii Alekseevic (b.1935- Russia) page
  • Smith-Brindle, Reginald (b.1917- UK)
  • Smoot, Richard Jordan (b.1952- USA) bio
  • Snijders, Herman (b.1953- Netherlands Antilles)
  • Soares de Souza, Francisco (1905-1986 Brazil)
  • Soban, Primoz (b.1946- Slovenia)
  • Sojo, Vicente Emilio (1887-1974 Venezuela)
  • Solares, Enrique (b.1910- Guatemala)
  • Soler, Padre Antonio (1729-1783 Spain) bio
  • Solomons, David Warin (b.1953- UK) page
  • Somers, Harry (b.1925- Canada)
  • Sommerfeldt, Oistein (1919-1994 Norway)
  • Sor, Fernando (1778-1839 Spain-France) link
  • Sorrentino, Giovanni (b.1933- Italy)
  • Spina, Friedrich (1812?-1830 Austria)
  • Sprague, Frank Lee (b.1958- USA) page
  • Sprongl, Norbert (1892-1983 Austria)
  • Spurway, Jason (b.1966- UK) page
  • Srebotnjak, Alojz (b.1931- Slovenia)
  • Staak, Pieter van der (b.1930- Netherlands)
  • Stadlmair, Hans (b.1924- Austria)
  • Stahmer, Klaus Hinrich (b.1941- Germany)
  • Starcevic, Nikola (b.1980- Yugoslavia) page
  • Starer, Robert (b.1924- Austria-USA)
  • Steele, Jeffry Hamilton (b.1954- USA) page
  • Steffens, Walter (b.1934- Germany)
  • Steidl, Ravel (b.1961- Czechoslovakia)
  • Steinke, Greg (b.1942- USA) bio
  • Steptoe, Roger (Guy) (b.1953- UK)
  • Stevens, Bernard (1916-1983 UK) bio
  • Stiles, Frank (b.1924- UK)
  • Stimpson, Michael (b.1948- UK)
  • Sting-Sumner, Gordon (b.1951- UK)
  • Stockhausen, Karlheinz (b.1928- Germany) link
  • Stoker, Richard (b.1938- UK)
  • Stover, Richard 'Rico' (b.1945- USA) music
  • Strajnar, Ales (b.1947- Slovenia)
  • Stranz, Ulrich (b.1946- Germany) page
  • Strasfogel, Ignace (1909-1994 Poland)
  • Strategier, Herman (1912-1988 Netherlands) page
  • Strauss, Johann Jr. (1825-1899 Austria) link
  • Strauss, Johann Sr. (1804-1849 Austria) link
  • Stravinsky, Igor (Feodorovich) (1882-1971 Russia-USA) link
  • Stravinsky, Soulima (1910-1994 Switzerland-USA)
  • Strizich, Robert (b.1945- USA)
  • Stroe, Aurel (b.1932- Romania-France)
  • Sugar, Rezso (1919-1988 Hungary) link
  • Suilamo, Harri (b.1954- Finland)
  • Sulpizi, Fernando (b.1936- Italy)
  • Summaria, Davide (b.1943- Italy)
  • Summerfield, Maurice (b.1940- UK)
  • Sun, Ying-Chih (b.1971- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Surinach, Carlos (1915-1997 Spain-USA) page
  • Susato, Tylman (1500-1562 Germany)
  • Suter, Robert (b.1919- Switzerland) page
  • Suzuki, Ivao (b.1932- Japan)
  • Swayne, Giles (Oliver Cairnes) (b.1946- UK) page
  • Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon (1562-1621 Netherlands) link
  • Sychra, Andrei (1772-1850 Russia)
  • Szekely, Katalin (b.1953- Hungary)
  • Szordikowski, Bruno (b.1944- Germany)
  • Tacuchian, Ricardo (b.1939- Brazil)
  • Takacs, Jeno (b.1902- Austria)
  • Takahashi, Yuji (b.1938- Japan)
  • Takemitsu, Toru (1930-1996 Japan) bio
  • Tamas, Janos (b.1936- Hungary)
  • Tamez, Gerardo (b.1948- Mexico)
  • Tamulionis, Jonas (b.1949- Lithuania)
  • Tan, Dun (b.1957- China) page
  • Tansman, Alexandre (1897-1986 Poland-France) bio
  • Tapajos, Sebastiao (b.1944- Brazil)
  • Taranu, Cornel (b.1934- Romania)
  • Tarrago, Graziano (1892-1973 Spain)
  • Tarrega, Francisco (1852-1909 Spain) page
  • Tavener, John (Kenneth) (b.1944- UK) page
  • Taylor, Alan (b.1946- UK) page
  • Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilick (1840-1893 Russia) link
  • Teed, Roy (Norman) (b.1928- UK)
  • Teixeira, Nicanor (b.1928- Brazil)
  • Tejedor, Pere Soto (b.1958- Spain) page
  • Telemann, George Philipp (1681-1767 Germany) link
  • Tenzi, Massimo (b.1922- Italy)
  • Tera de Marez, Oyens (b.1932- Netherlands)
  • Terzi, Benvenuto (1892-1980 Italy)
  • Tesar, Milan (b.1938- Czechoslovakia)
  • Teschner, Hans Joachim (b.1945- Germany)
  • Teuchert, Heinz (b.1914- Germany)
  • Theobalds, Matthew J (b.1984- UK) page
  • Theodorakis, Mikis (b.1925- Greece) link
  • Thiago de Mello, Gaudencio (b.1933- Brazil)
  • Thome, François (1850-1909 France)
  • Thompson, Virgil (Garnett) (1896-1989 USA) link
  • Thorlaksson, Eythor (b.1930- Iceland) page
  • Tippett, Michael (Kemp) (b.1905-1998 UK) link
  • Tisne, Antoine (b.1932- France)
  • Toffoletti, Massimo (b.1913- Italy)
  • Togni, Camillo (b.1922- Italy)
  • Toledo, Josefino Chino (b.1959- Philippines) page
  • Tomasi, Henri (Fredien) (1901-1971 France) page
  • Tomiyama, Siyoh (b.1961- Japan) page
  • Tommis, Colin (b.1958- UK) email
  • Tommis, Colin (b.1958- UK) email
  • Torok, Alan (b.1948- Austria-Canada)
  • Torrent, Jaume (b.1953- Spain)
  • Toselli, Enrico (1883-1926 Italy)
  • Tosi, Daniel (b.1953- France)
  • Tosic, Vladimir (b.1949- Yugoslavia) e-mail, page
  • Tosti, (Francesco) Paolo (1846-1916 Italy-UK)
  • Tower, Joan (Peabody) (b.1938- USA) page
  • Towner, Ralph (b.1940- USA)
  • Trigos, Juan (b.1965- Mexico) page
  • Trojahn, Manfred (b.1949- Germany)
  • Truhlar, Jan (1928-2007 Czechoslovakia) page
  • Truppe, Gerry (b.1959- Netherlands)
  • Tsabary, Eldad (b.1969- Israel) page
  • Tsiatas, T (b.1946- Greece)
  • Tsilicas, Jorge (b.1930- Argentina)
  • Tsukatani, Akihiro (b.1919- Japan)
  • Tucapsky, Antonin (b.1928- Czechoslovakia-UK)
  • Turina, Joaquin (1882-1949 Spain) bio
  • Turina, Jose Luis (b.1952- Spain)
  • Turok, Paul (b.1929- USA)
  • Tzeng, Shing-Kwei (b.1946- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Ugoletti, Paolo (b.1956- Italy)
  • Uhl, Alfred (1909-1992 Austria)
  • Ulian, Alberto (b.1920- Uruguay)
  • Ung, Chinary (b.1942- Cambodia) page
  • Urban, Stepan (1913-1974 Czechoslovakia)
  • Urbanner, Erich (b.1936- Austria)
  • Usher, Terry (1909-1969 UK)
  • Vafiadou Katherin (b.1952- Greece)
  • Vaillant, Raymond (b.1935- France)
  • Valderrabano, Enriquez de (1500-1557 Spain)
  • Valle, Adela del (b.1897- Argentina)
  • Vallet, Nicholas (1583?-1642? France-Netherlands)
  • Valverde, Joaquin (1846-1910 Spain)
  • Vandermaesbrugge, Max (b.1933- Belgium)
  • Vanhal, Johann Baptist (1739-1813 Czechoslovakia) page
  • Vargas y Guzman, Juan Antonio (1750? Mexico)
  • Vasks, Peteris (b.1946- Latvia)
  • Vasquez, Edmundo (b.1938- Chile-France)
  • Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958 UK) link
  • Vecchia, Wolfgango dalla (b.1923- Italy)
  • Vega, Aurelio de la (b.1925- Cuba-USA)
  • Velazquez, Leonardo (b.1935- Mexico)
  • Venegas Lloveras, Guillermo (1915-1993 Puerto Rico) page
  • Vercken, François (b.1928- France)
  • Verdery, Benjamin (b.1955- USA)
  • Vianna, Alfredo Pixinguinha (1898-1973 Brazil)
  • Viblom, Lars (b.1954- Sweden)
  • Villa Roja, Jesus (b.1940- Spain)
  • Villa-Lobos, Heitor (1887-1959 Brazil) link
  • Villa-Rojo, Jesus (b.1940- Spain)
  • Villar, Rogelio (1875-1937 Spain)
  • Vinas, Jose (1823-1888 Spain)
  • Vinay, Vittorio (b.1942- Italy)
  • Vink, Peter (b.1953- Netherlands) page
  • Viozzi, Giulio (1912-1984 Italy)
  • Visee, Robert de (1650-1725 France) page
  • Visser, Dick (b.1928- Netherlands)
  • Vitiello, Frederic (b.1960- France)
  • Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741 Italy) link
  • Vivier, Claude (1948-1983 Canada)
  • Vlad, Roman (b.1919- Rumania-Italy)
  • Vogel, Wladimir (Rudolfovich) (1896-1984 Russia-Switzerland) page
  • Vogelin, Fritz (b.1943- Germany)
  • Vojtisek,Martin (b.1950- Czechoslovakia)
  • Vonderau, Christof (b.1960- Germany)
  • Vvgelin, Fritz (b.1943- Switzerland)
  • Wagner-Regeny, Rudolf (1903-1969 Russia-Germany)
  • Wagner, Richard (1813-1883 Germany) page
  • Waissel, Mattheus (1540?-1602 Germany)
  • Walker, Luise (1910-1998 Austria) page
  • Walker, Timothy (b.1943- South Africa-UK)
  • Wallace, Frank (b.1952- USA) page
  • Walter, Fried (b.1907- Germany)
  • Walters, Gareth (b.1928- UK)
  • Walton, William (Turner) (1902-1983 UK) link
  • Wanders, Bob (b.1955- Netherlands)
  • Wanek, Friedrich (b.1929- Germany)
  • Ware, Peter (b.1951- Canada) page
  • Warnecke, Ulrich Uhland (b.1966- Germany) page
  • Watanabe, Kazumi (b.1953- Japan) page
  • Watkins, Michael Blake (b.1948- UK)
  • Weber, Carl Maria von (1786-1826 Germany-UK) link
  • Webern, Anton (Friedrich Wilhelm) (1883-1945 Austria) link
  • Weed (b.1946- UK) page
  • Weiner, Leo (1885-1960 Hungary)
  • Weiner, Stanley (b.1925- USA)
  • Weinzweig, John (Jacob) (b.1913- Canada)
  • Weiss, Harald (b.1949- Germany)
  • Weiss, Silvius Leopold (1686-1750 Germany) link
  • Wellesz, Egon (Joseph) (1885-1974 Austria-UK)
  • Werdin, Eberhard (1911-1991 Germany)
  • Wessman, Harri (Kristian) (b.1949- Finland)
  • Wettstein, Peter (b.1939- Germany)
  • Whettam, Graham (b.1927- UK) music
  • White, Michael (b.1931- USA)
  • White, Richard (b.1947- USA)
  • Whitworth, John (b.1951- USA)
  • Wijk, Jan-Inge (b.1941- Denmark) page
  • Wikmanson, Johan (1753-1800 Sweden)
  • Wildberger, Jacques (b.1922- Switzerland) page
  • Williams, Adrian (b.1956- UK) page
  • Williams, John (b.1941- Australia-UK) page
  • Williams, Mason (b.1938- USA) page
  • Willis, Rex (b.1956- USA)
  • Wills, Arthur (b.1926- UK)
  • Wilson, James (b.1951- USA)
  • Wilson, Thomas (b.1927- UK)
  • Winters, Geoffrey (b.1928- UK)
  • Wissmer, Pierre (1915-1992 Switzerland-France)
  • Worschech, Romain (b.1909- France)
  • Wueller, Lars (b.1975- Germany) page
  • Wuorinen, Charles (b.1938- USA) page
  • Wusthoff, Klaus (b.1922- Germany)
  • Xarhakos, Stavros (b.1937- Greece)
  • Xatzistayrou, Aris (b.1962- Greece)
  • Xifaras, Peter (b.1955- USA) page
  • Yamashita, Kazuhito (b.1961- Japan) page
  • Yepes, Narcisco (1927-1997 Spain)
  • Yeprem, Sefa (b.1974- Turkey) page
  • Yocoh, Yuquijiro (b.1925- Japan) page
  • Yoghourtjian, James (b.1934- USA)
  • York, Andrew (b.1958- USA) page
  • Yoshimatsu, Takashi (b.1953- Japan) page
  • Young, Kenneth (b.1955- New Zealand)
  • Yradier (Iradier), Sebastien de (1809-1865 Spain) music
  • Yun, Isang (1917-1996 Korea-Germany) page
  • Yupanqui, Atahualpa (1908-1992 Argentina)
  • Zagwijn, Henri (1878-1954 Netherlands)
  • Zaidel-Rudolph, Jeanne (b.1948- South Africa)
  • Zamani, Adil (b.1960- Turkey) e-mail
  • Zani de Ferranti, Marco Aurelio (1800-1878 Italy) page
  • Zappa, Frank (1940-1993 USA) link
  • Zaradin, John (b.1944- UK) music
  • Zbinden, Julien-François (b.1917- Switzerland)
  • Zehm, Friedrich (b.1923- Germany)
  • Zenamon, Jaime Mirtenbaum (b.1953- Bolivia)
  • Ziffrin, Marilyn J (b.1926- USA) page
  • Zimmermann, Bernd Alois (1918-1970 Germany) bio
  • Zuccheri, Luciano (1911-1981 Italy)
  • Zukerwar, Haim D (b.1956- Uruguay)
  • Zurakowsky, Stephen (b.1964- Canada) page

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