Saturday, December 15, 2012

List of Classical Guitar Composers and Guitar Books

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Classical Guitar Composers (by Alphabetical)

  • Abloniz, Miguel (b.1917- Egypt-Italy)
  • Abril, Anton Garcia (b.1933- Spain) 
  • Absil, Jean (1893-1974 Belgium) 
  • Adler, Samuel (b.1928- Germany-USA) 
  • Adriaenssen, Emanuel (1554-1604 Netherlands) 
  • Aguado y Garcia, Dionisio (1784-1849 Spain) 
  • Aguirre, Julian (1868-1924 Argentina) 
  • Alais, Juan (1844-1914 Argentina) 
  • Alandia C, Edgar (b.1950- Bolivia-Italy) 
  • Albeniz, Isaac Manuel F (1860-1909 Spain) 
  • Albeniz, Mateo (1755-1831 Spain) 
  • Albert, Heinrich (1870-1950 Germany) 
  • Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni (1671-1751 Italy)
  • Alcazar, Miguel (b.1942- Mexico) 
  • Alemann, Eduardo A (1922-2005 Argentina) 
  • Alessio, Lino (b.1967- USA)
  • Alexander, Allan (b.1946- USA) 
  • Alexander, Arthur (1891-1975 UK) 
  • Alfonso, Nicolas (b.1913- Spain) 
  • Almeida, Laurindo (1917-1995 Brazil-USA)
  • Amador, Efrain (b.1947- Cuba) 
  • Ambrosius, Hermann (1897-1983 Germany) page
  • Ameller, Andre (1912-1990 France) page
  • Amy, Gilbert (b.1936- France) page
  • Ancelin, Pierre (1934-2001 France) page
  • Anderson, John (b.1951- UK) music
  • Anderson, Leroy (1908-1975 USA) page
  • Andes, Marc (b.1953- France)
  • Andeson, Konstantine (b.1973- Singapore) page
  • Andia, Rafael (b.1942- France) page
  • Andriessen, Louis (b.1939- Netherlands) page
  • Andriopoulos, Ilias (b.1950- Greece) page
  • Angulo, Eduardo (b.1954- Mexico) page
  • Angulo, Heitor (b.1932- Cuba) music
  • Anido, Maria Luisa (1907-1996 Argentina) page
  • Antunes, Jorge de Freitas (b.1942- Brazil) page
  • ApIvor, Denis (1916-2004 Ireland-UK) page
  • Apostel, Hans Erich (1901-1972 Germany-Austria) page
  • Applebaum, Edward (b.1937- USA) page
  • Araujo, Francisco (b.1949- Brazil) music
  • Arca, Paolo (b.1953- Italy) music
  • Arcas, Julian Gavino Lacal (1832-1882 Spain) page
  • Ardevol, Jose (1911-1981 Cuba) info
  • Arenstein, Colin (b.1954- UK) music
  • Argento, Dominick (b.1927- USA) page
  • Arnell, Richard (b.1917- UK) page
  • Arnold, Malcolm (b.1921- UK) page
  • Arolas, Eduardo (1892-1924 Argentina) info
  • Arran, John (b.1945- UK) page
  • Asafiev, Boris (1884-1949 Russia) page
  • Asencio, Vincente (1908-1979 Spain) page
  • Asia, Daniel (b.1953- USA) page
  • Asins Arbo, Miguel (1916-1986 Spain) music
  • Asriel, Andre (b.1922- Austria) page
  • Assad, Sergio (b.1952- Brazil) page
  • Attaingnant, Pierre (1494-1552 France) info
  • Auric, Georges (1899-1983 France) page
  • Ayala, Hector (1914-1990 Argentina) page
  • Azevedo, Waldyr (1923-1980 Brazil) page
  • Azpiazu, Jose de (1912-1986 Spain) music
  • Babbitt, Milton (Byron) (b.1916- USA) page
  • Bacarisse, Salvador (1898-1963 Spain-France) page
  • Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788 Germany) page
  • Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750 Germany) page
  • Bach, Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst (1759-1845 Germany) page
  • Baden-Powell, Roberto (1937- 2000 Brazil) page
  • Badings, Henk (1907-1987 Netherlands) page
  • Baervoets, Raymond (1930- 1989 Belgium) page
  • Bakfark, Valentin (1507-1576 Hungary) page
  • Balada, Leonardo (b.1933- Spain-USA) page
  • Ballif, Claude (1924-2004 France) page
  • Barber, Simon Anthony (b.1971- Australia-Germany) page
  • Barberis, Melchior de (1545-? Italy) music
  • Barbosa-Lima, Carlos (b.1944- Brazil-USA) page
  • Bardwell, William (1915-1994 UK) music
  • Barkauskas, Vytautas (b.1931- Lithuania) music
  • Barlow, Fred (1881-1951 France) page
  • Barnes, Milton (1931-2001 Canada) page
  • Baron, Ernst Gottlieb (1696-1760 Germany) page
  • Barrett, Richard (b.1959- UK) page
  • Barrios, Agustin (Mangore) (1885-1944 Paraguay) page
  • Barrios, Angel (1882-1964 Spain) page
  • Barroso, Ary (1903-1964 Brazil) page
  • Bartok, Bela (1881-1945 Hungary-USA) page
  • Bartoli, Rene (b.1941- France) page
  • Bartolozzi, Bruno (1911-1980 Italy) page
  • Basevi, Abramo (1818-1885 Italy) page
  • Bassett, Leslie (b.1923- USA) page
  • Bateman, William O (1825-1883 USA)
  • Battenstein, Thomas (b.1951- Germany) music
  • Bauer-Moerkens, Ralf (b.1953- Germany) page
  • Bauer, Jerzy (b.1936- Poland) music
  • Baumann, Herbert (Karl) (b.1925- Germany) page
  • Baur, Jurg (1918-2010 Germany) page
  • Bautista, Julián (1901-1961 Spain) page
  • Beaser, Robert (b.1954- USA) page
  • Beccuti, Roberto (1910-1974 Italy) bio
  • Becerra-Schmidt, Gustavo (1925-2010 Chile) page
  • Becker, Günther 'Hugo' (b.1924- Germany) page
  • Becker, Holmer (b.1955- Germany) page
  • Bedford, David (b.1937- UK) page
  • Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827 Germany) page
  • Behr, Franz (1837-1898 Germany) page
  • Behrend, Siegfried (1933-1990 Germany) page
  • Belaubre, Louis Noel (b.1932- France) page
  • Belini, Kemel (b.1954- Cyprus)
  • Bellinati, Paulo (b.1950- Brazil) page
  • Bellisario, Angelo (b.1932- Italy) link
  • Bellmann, Carl Michael (1740-1795 Sweden) page
  • Bellow, Alexander (1912-1976 Russia-USA)
  • Bellucci, Giacomo (b.1928- Italy) link
  • Benati, Chiaro (b.1956- Italy)
  • Benda, Georg (1722-1795 Bohemia) page
  • Benedetti, Fred M (b.1957- USA) page
  • Benguerel, Xavier (b.1931- Spain) page
  • Benham, Patrick (b.1940- UK) music
  • Bennett, Richard Rodney (b.1936- UK) page
  • Bensa, Olivier (b.1951- France) YouTube
  • Bentley, Jane (b.1957- UK)
  • Beraldo, Primo (1924-2006 Italy) music
  • Berg, Gunnar (1909-1989 Denmark) page
  • Bergman, Erik Valdemar (1911-2006 Finland) page
  • Berio, Luciano (b.1925-2003 Italy) page
  • Berkeley, Lennox (1903-1989 UK) page
  • Berkeley, Michael (b.1948- UK) page
  • Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869 France) page
  • Bernstein, David S (b.1942- USA) page
  • Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990 USA) page
  • Berry, Jacques Andre (b.1945- France) link
  • Berti, Oscar (b.1933- Venezuela) music
  • Besard, Jean-Baptiste (1567-1625 France) bio
  • Betancourt, Rodolfo (b.1968- Venezuela) music
  • Bettinelli, Bruno (1913-2004 Italy) page
  • Beyer, Franck Michael (1928-2008 Germany) page
  • Bialas, Günther (b.1907-1995 Germany) info
  • Bibalo, Antonio (1922-2008 Norway) page
  • Biber, Heinrich Ignaz Franz von (1644-1704 Bohemia-Austria) page
  • Biberian, Gilbert (b.1944- Turkey-UK) page
  • Bielawa, Bruce (b.1967- USA) bio
  • Billet, Jean Pierre (b.1948- France) music
  • Binge, Ronald (1910-1979 UK) page
  • Bizet, Georges (1838-1875 France) page
  • Blaha, Ivo (b.1936- Czechoslovakia) info
  • Blake, Howard (b.1938- UK) page
  • Blake, Michael (b.1951- South Africa) page
  • Blanchard, Harold (1930-2010 USA) page
  • Blanquer, Amando (1935-2005 Spain) page
  • Blasco de Nebra, Manuel (1750-1784 Spain) page
  • Blyton, Carey (1932-2002 UK) page
  • Bobri, Vladimir (1898-1986 Ukraine-USA) page
  • Bobrowicz, Jan Nepomucen (1805-1881 Poland) page,info
  • Boccherini, Luigi (1743-1805 Italy) page
  • Boda, John (1922-2002 USA) page
  • Boehm, Roland (b.1950- Germany) info
  • Boero, Felipe (1884-1958 Argentina) page
  • Boesmans, Philippe (b.1936- Belgium) page
  • Bogdanovic, Dusan (b.1955- Yugoslavia-USA) page
  • Böhm, Georg (1661-1733 Germany) page
  • Bois, Rob du (b.1934- Netherlands) page
  • Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de (1689-1755 France) page
  • Bolcom, William (b.1938- USA) page
  • Bolling, Claude (b.1930- France) page
  • Bombardelli, Umberto (b.1954- Italy) page
  • Bondon, Jacques (b.1927- France) page
  • Bonell, Carlos (b.1949- UK) page
  • Bonfá, Luiz (b.1922-2001 Brazil) page
  • Bonnet, Carlos (1892-1983 Venezuela) page
  • Bons, Joël (b.1952- Netherlands) page
  • Borges, Raúl (1888-1967 Venezuela) page
  • Bosch, Jaime (1826-1895 Spain) page
  • Bosman, Lance (b.1939- UK) page
  • Bosseur, Jean-Yves (b.1947- France) page
  • Boudounis, Evangelos (b.1950- Greece) page
  • Boulez, Pierre (b.1925- France) page
  • Bournet, Pascal (b.1950- France) page
  • Boutros, Laurent (b.1964- France) page
  • Bowers, Timothy (b.1954- UK) page
  • Boyer, Daniel (b.1955- Canada-France) music
  • Bozza, Eugène (1905-1991 France) page
  • Bracali, Gianpaolo (1941-2006 Italy) info
  • Bracanin, Philip (1942- Australia) page
  • Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897 Germany) page
  • Braun, Peter Michael (b.1936- Germany) bio
  • Bravo, Enrique (b.1962- Venezuela) music
  • Brayssing, Grégoire (fl.1547-1560 Germany) page
  • Bredemeyer, Reiner (1929-1995 Germany) page
  • Breguet, Jacques (b.1933- France)
  • Brenet, Thirhse (b.1935- France)
  • Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio (1690-1758 Italy) page
  • Bresgen, Cesar (1913-1988 Italy-Germany) page
  • Breznikar, Joseph (b.1950- USA) page
  • Bridges, Ben (b.1953- USA)
  • Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976 UK) page
  • Broca, Jose (1805-1882 Spain) info
  • Broeder, Alois (b.1961- Germany) page
  • Broqua, Alfonso (1876-1946 Uruguay) page
  • Brotons, Salvador (b.1959- Spain) page
  • Brouwer, Leo (b.1939- Cuba) page
  • Brown, James Peter (b.1967- Canada) page
  • Brown, Ken (b.1948- USA)
  • Brubeck, Darius (b.1947- USA-South Africa) page
  • Brubeck, Dave (b.1920- USA) page
  • Brûlé, Pierre Marcel (b.1950- Canada) info
  • Brun, Patrick (b.1957- France) music
  • Brvder, Alois (b.1961- Germany)
  • Buchrainer, Michael (b.1950- Austria) music
  • Buck, Ole (b.1943- Denmark) page
  • Budasz, Rogerio (b.1964- Brazil) page
  • Budos, Marian (b.1968- Slovak-Australia) page
  • Bujtás, József (b.1947- Hungary) link
  • Buller, Alan (b.1947- UK) link
  • Burghauser, Jarmil (1921-1997 Czechoslovakia) page
  • Burgmann, Chris (b.1962- Germany) music
  • Burgon, Geoffrey (1941-2010 UK) page
  • Burkhard, Willy (1900-1955 Switzerland) page
  • Burkhart, Franz (1902-1978 Austria) YouTube
  • Burt, Robert Hampton (b.1940- USA) page
  • Buss, Fritz (b.1930- Germany-South Africa) page
  • Bussotti, Sylvano (b.1931- Italy) page
  • Buxtehude, Dietrich (1637-1707 Denmark-Germany) page
  • Byrd, Charlie (1926-1999 USA) page
  • Byrd, William (1543-1623 UK) page
  • Cabanilles, Juan Bautista José (1644-1712 Spain) page
  • Cabee, Jean-Pierre (b.1957- France)
  • Cabezón, Antonio de (1510-1566 Spain) page
  • Cáceres, German (b.1954- El Salvador) page
  • Caggiano, Felice (b.1956- Italy) music
  • Calatayud, Bartolomé (1882-1973 Spain) page
  • Calbi, Otello (1917-1995 Italy) music
  • Call, Leonhard von (1768-1815 Germany) page
  • Calleja, Francisco (1891-1950 Spain-Uruguay) TouTube
  • Calmes, Keith D (b.1966- USA) page
  • Camargo Fernandes, Marcelo de (b.1956- Brazil) page
  • Camargo Guarnieri, Mozart (1907-1993 Brazil) page
  • Camilleri, Charles (1931-2009 Malta) music
  • Campana, José Luis (b.1949- France-Argentina) music
  • Campra, André (1660-1744 France) page
  • Camps, Pompeyo (1924-1997 Argentina) page
  • Candelario, Chris Anthony (b.1950- USA) page
  • Cano, César (b.1960- Spain) page
  • Cano, D Antonio (1811-1897 Spain) page
  • Cano, Federico (1838-1904 Spain) music
  • Capirola, Vincenzo (1474-1548? Italy) page
  • Capoianu, Dumitru (b.1929- Romania) page
  • Capyrin, Dmitri (b.1960- Russia) page
  • Carastathis, Aris (b.1957- Canada) page
  • Carcache, Manuel (b.1955- El Salvador) page
  • Carcassi, Matteo (1792-1853 Italy) page
  • Cardé, Eric Reyes (b.1955- Puerto Rico) music
  • Cardew, Cornelius (1936-1981 UK) music
  • Cardoso, Jorge (b.1949- Argentina-Spain) page
  • Carey, Ross (b.1969- New Zealand) page
  • Carhart, David (b. 1937- UK) page
  • Carlstedt, Jan Axel (1926-2004 Sweden) page
  • Carmona, Carlos Alfredo (b.1960- Argentina page
  • Carolan (O'Carolan), Turlough (1670-1738 Irland)
  • Caroso, Fabrizzio (1527-1606 Italy)
  • Carre, Albert (1852-1938 France)
  • Carreno, Inocente (b.1919- Venezuela)
  • Carroll, David (b.1947- UK)
  • Carter, Elliott Cook (b.1908- USA) page
  • Carulli, Ferdinando (1770-1841 Italy-France) page
  • Casablancas, Benet (b.1956- Spain)
  • Casanovas, Francisco (b.1899- Spain)
  • Cassado, Gaspar (1897-1966 Spain)
  • Castellacci, Luigi (1797-1845 Italy) page
  • Castellanos, Evencio (b.1915- Venezuela)
  • Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895-1968 Italy-USA) bio
  • Casterede, Jacques (b.1926- France) book
  • Castet, François (b.1940- France) page
  • Castillo, Manuel (b.1930- Spain)
  • Castro de Gistau, Salvador (1770? Spain)
  • Catullo (Da Paixao Cearense) (1863-1947 Brazil) page
  • Cauvin, Philippe (b.1952- France)
  • Cavalcanti, Nestor de Hollanda (b.1949- Brazil)
  • Cavallone, Franco (b.1957- Italy)
  • Cavazzoli, Germano (1940- Italy)
  • Cecconi, Raffaele (b.1947- Italy)
  • Cerf, Jacques (b.1932- Switzerland)
  • Cervantes, Ignacio (1847-1905 Cuba) page
  • Chadwick, Roland (b.1957- Australia) page
  • Chailly, Luciano (b.1920- Italy)
  • Chandler, Hugh (b.1956- USA)
  • Chang, Hui-Ni (b.1969- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Chang, Yu-Hou (b.1960- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Charlton, Andrew (b.1928- USA)
  • Charlton, Richard (b.1955- Australia)
  • Charnofsky, Jordan (b.1967- USA)
  • Chassain, Olivier (b.1957- France)
  • Chavarri, Eduardo Lopez (1871-1970 Spain)
  • Chavez, Carlos (1899-1978 Mexico) page
  • Chaviano, Flores (b.1946- Cuba) page
  • Chaynes, Charles (b.1925- France)
  • Chazarreta, Andres (1876-1960 Argentina)
  • Chen, Biao (b.1971- China) page
  • Cherubini, Luigi (1760-1842 Italy-France) bio
  • Cherubito, Miguel A (b.1941- Argentina) page
  • Chiereghin, Sergio (b.1933- Italy)
  • Chilesotti, Oscar (1848-1916 Italy)
  • Chilton, Roy (b.1950- UK) page
  • Chiti, Gian Paulo (b.1939- Italy)
  • Chobanian, Loris (b.1933- Iraq-USA) page
  • Chopin, Frederic (1810-1849 Poland-France) bio
  • Chung, Il Ryun (b.1964- Korea)
  • Cimarosa, Domenico (1749-1801 Italy) link
  • Cimma, Pier Luigi (b.1941- Italy)
  • Cisneros, Jose R (b.1915- Venezuela)
  • Clapton, Eric (b.1945- UK) page
  • Clementi, Aldo (b.1925- Italy)
  • Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832 Italy) music
  • Clerch, Joaquin (b.1965- Cuba) page
  • Coco, Julian B (b.1924- Netherlands Antilles)
  • Cody, Judith (b.1949- USA) page
  • Coinel, Robert (b.1950- France)
  • Coles, Paul (b.1952- UK) page
  • Company, Alvaro (b.1931- Italy)
  • Compton, John (b.1950- UK)
  • Condin, Wolfgang (b.1959- Germany)
  • Constant, Franz (b.1910- Belgium)
  • Constant, Marius (b.1925- Romania-France) page
  • Cooper, James Medary (b.1948- USA) page
  • Cooperman, Larry Steward (b.1951- USA) page
  • Copeland, Paul (b.1947- Australia) page
  • Corbett, Sidney (b.1960- USA-Germany)
  • Corbetta, Francesco (1612-1681 Italy)
  • Cordero, Ernesto (b.1946- Puerto Rico) page
  • Cordero, Roque (b.1917- Panama) news
  • Corea, Chick (b.1941- USA)
  • Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713 Italy) link
  • Coronel, Marcelo (b.1962- Argentina) page
  • Correggia, Enrico (b.1933- Italy)
  • Corrette, Michel (1709-1795 France) page
  • Cortes, Juan Manuel (b.1953- Spain) page
  • Coste, Napoleon (1806-1883 France)
  • Cote, Rolland (b.1951- Canada)
  • Cottam, David (1951- UK)
  • Coulanges, Amos (b.1954- Haiti)
  • Couperin, François (le grand) (1668-1733 France) bio
  • Cox, Boudewijn (b.1965- Netherlands-Belgium) page
  • Crawley, Clifford (b.1929- UK) bio
  • Criswick, Mary (b.1945- UK)
  • Croucher, Terence (b.1944- UK)
  • Cruz de Castro, Carlos (b.1941- Spain)
  • Cui, Cesar Antonowich (1835-1918 Russia) page bio
  • Curi, Antonio (b.1946- Italy)
  • Curtis-Smith, Curtis (b.1941- USA)
  • Cutting, Francis (1550? UK)
  • D'Angelo, Nuccio (b.1955- Italy)
  • D'Arros, Yves (b.1954- France)
  • Dagosto, Sylvain (b.1927- France)
  • Dalitz, Christoph (b.1967- Germany) page
  • Dallinger, Fridolin (b.1933- Austria)
  • Dalza, Joan Ambrozio (1500? Italy) music
  • Dams, Norbert (b.1951- Germany) page
  • Dandelot, Georges (1895-1975 France)
  • Dandrieu, Jean François (1682-1738 France)
  • Danner, Peter (b.1936- USA)
  • Danner, Wilfried Maria (b.1956- Germany)
  • Daquin, Louis-Claude (1694-1772 France) music
  • Darias, Javier (b.1946- Spain)
  • David, Johann Nepomuk (1895-1977 Austria) page
  • David, Thomas Christian (b.1925- Austria)
  • Dawson, Doug (b.1947- USA) bio
  • Daza, Esteban (1550? Spain) music
  • De Curtis, Ernesto (1860-1926 Italy)
  • De Faria, Alexandre (b.1972- Brazil)
  • De Voe, Donald (b.1972- USA)
  • Debussy, Claude (1862-1918 France) bio
  • Defaye, Jean Michel (b.1932- France)
  • Defossez, Rene (b.1905- Belgium)
  • Degen, Soffren (1816-1885 Denmark) page
  • Degni, Vicenzo (b.1911- Italy)
  • Del Forno, Anton (b.1950- Italy) page
  • Del Tredici, David (b.1937- USA) page
  • Delerue, Georges (1925-1992 France)
  • Dellacasa, Giancarlo (b.1952- Italy)
  • Delpriora, Mark (b.1959- USA)
  • Demillac, Francis Paul (b.1917- France)
  • Deng, Yu-Hsien (1906-1944 Taiwan ROC) page
  • Denhoff, Michael (b.1955- Germany)
  • Denisov, Edison (1929-1996 Russia) bio
  • Denza, Luigi (1846-1922 Italy)
  • Depreter, Jan (b.1975- Belgiun) page
  • Desderi, Ettore (1892-1974 Italy)
  • Desportes, Yvonne (Berthe) (b.1907- France)
  • Dessau, Paul (1894-1979 Germany) page
  • Di Capua, Eduardo (1864-1917 Italy)
  • Di Marino, Roberto (b.1956- Italy) page
  • Diabelli, Anton (1781-1858 Austria) page
  • Diamond, Neil (b.1941- USA)
  • Diederichs, Yann (b.1952- Germany)
  • Digmeloff, Germain (1883-1981 France)
  • Dillon, James (Shaun Hamilton) (b.1944- UK)
  • Dinescu, Violeta (b.1953- Rumania-Germany)
  • DiPalma, Mark (b.1959- USA)
  • Djokovic, Roko (b.1980- Yugoslavia) page
  • Dlugoraj, Adalbert (1550-1603 Poland)
  • Dodgson, Stephen (b.1924- UK) note
  • Doerr, Charles (b.1911- France)
  • Dohl, Friedhelm (b.1936- Germany)
  • Doidge, Spencer Ernest (b.1944- USA) page
  • Dojcinovic, Uros (b.1959- Yugoslavia)
  • Domeniconi, Carlo (b.1947- Italy) info
  • Donatoni, Franco (b.1927- Italy)
  • Donosita, Jose A (1886-1956 Spain)
  • Dorward, David (b.1933- UK)
  • Dovgopol, Dmitri (b.1961- Russia)
  • Dowland, John (1563-1626 UK) link
  • Dowland, Robert (1591-1641 UK)
  • Downs, Colin (b.1949- UK)
  • Drabble, Lawrence (b.1929- UK)
  • Drdla, Frantisek (1868-1944 Bohemia) bio
  • Drigo, Riccardo (1846-1930 Italy)
  • Drogoz, Philippe (b.1937- France)
  • Dropsie, Adriaan (b.1957- Netherlands)
  • Drozd, Gerard (b.1955- Poland) page
  • Duarte, John W (b.1919- UK) music
  • Dubois, Pierre Max (b.1930- France)
  • Dumond, Arnaud (b.1950- France) page
  • Dunser, Richard (b.1959- Austria)
  • Durand, Marie-Auguste (1830-1909 France)
  • Durko, Zsolt (b.1934- Hungary)
  • Durville, Philippe (b.1957- France)
  • Dusek, Frantisek Xaver (1731-1799 Bohemia)
  • Dvorak, Antonin (1841-1904 Czechoslovakia) bio
  • Dyens, Roland (b.1955- Tunisia-France) page
  • Eastwood, Thomas (Hugh) (b.1922- UK)
  • Eben, Petr (b.1929- Czechoslovakia)
  • Echecopar, Javier (b.1955- Peru)
  • Edlund, Mikael (b.1950- Sweden)
  • Einem, Gottfried von (1918-1996 Austria) bio
  • El-Salamouny, Ahmed (b.1957- Germany) page
  • Elderkin, Stephen (b.1955- Canada) bio
  • Elgar, Edward (1857-1934 UK) link
  • Elia, Marios Joannou (b.1978- Cyprus)
  • Elliott, Mark Alan (b.1972- USA)
  • Encinar, Jose Ramon (b.1954- Spain)
  • Engel, Claude (b.1948- France) page
  • Enriquez, Claudio 'Pino' (b.1961- Argentina)
  • Eotvos, Jozsef (b.1962- Hungary) page
  • Erbse, Heimo (b.1924- Germany)
  • Erding-Swiridoff, Susanne (b.1955- Germany)
  • Erdmann, Dietrich (b.1917- Germany)
  • Erni, Michael (b.1956- Germany)
  • Escobar, Pablo (b.1900- Paraguay)
  • Espinosa Garay, Leandro (b.1955- Mexico)
  • Espla (y Triay), Oscar (1889-1976 Spain)
  • Estrada, Jesus (b.1898- Mexico)
  • Ewers, Juergen (1937-1965 Germany)
  • Eynard, Camille (1882-1977 France)
  • Eythorsson, Sveinn (b.1964- Iceland) page
  • Ezaki, Kejiro (b.1926- Japan)
  • Fabini, (Felix) Eduardo (1882-1950 Uruguay)
  • Falckenhagen, Adam (1697-1761 Germany)
  • Falla, Manuel de (1876-1946 Spain-Argentina) page
  • Fallen, Jeff (b.1954- USA) page
  • Falu, Eduardo (b.1923- Argentina)
  • Falu, Jun (b.1948- Argentina)
  • Fampas, Dimitris (1921-1997 Greece) page
  • Farago, Bela (b.1961- Hungary)
  • Farinas, Carlos (b.1934- Cuba)
  • Farkas, Ferenc (1905-2000 Hungary)
  • Farnaby, Giles (1563-1640 UK) bio
  • Farquhar, David (Andross) (b.1928- New Zealand)
  • Farrell, Terrence (b.1950- USA) page
  • Faure, Gabriel(-Urbain) (1845-1924 France) link
  • Feld, Jindrich (b.1925- Czechoslovakia)
  • Feldbusch, Eric (b.1922- Belgium)
  • Fellagara, Vittorio (b.1927- Italy)
  • Ferandiere, Fernando (1750-1816 Spain)
  • Fernandez Alvez, Gabriel (b.1943- Spain)
  • Fernandez, Eduardo (b.1952- Uruguay)
  • Fernandez, Heraclio (1851-1886 Venezuela)
  • Fernandez, Oscar Lorenzo (1897-1948 Brazil)
  • Ferneyhough, Brian (b.1943- UK) page
  • Ferrabosco, Alfonso I (1575-1628 Italy) page
  • Ferrer y Esteve, Jose (1835-1916 Spain)
  • Ferrer, Edgar R (b.1964- Argentina)
  • Fetherolf, David (b.1956- USA) e-mail
  • Fetler, Paul (b.1920- USA)
  • Feuerstein, Robert (b.1949- Canada)
  • Fillipi, Amadeo de (b.1900- Italy-USA)
  • Fink, Michael (b.1939- USA)
  • Flechtner, Gunter (b.1952- Germany) page
  • Fleury, Abel (1903-1958 Argentina)
  • Flores Mendez, Guillermo (b.1920- Mexico)
  • Flores, Eduardo (b.1960- Ecuador)
  • Flothuis, Marius (b. 1914- Netherlands) page
  • Foden, William (1860-1947 USA)
  • Fonseca, Carlos Alberto (b.1933- Brazil)
  • Fontana, Fabio (b.1961- Italy)
  • Fortea, Daniel (1878-1953 Spain)
  • Fossa, François de (1775-1849 Spain-France) bio
  • Foster, Stephen Collins (1826-1864 USA) page
  • Fouillaud, Patrice (b.1949- France)
  • Fraioli, Vincent (b.1953- USA)
  • Francaix, Jean (1912-1997 France) bio
  • Franceries, Marc (b.1936- France)
  • Francis, John (b.1959- USA) page
  • Franck, Cesar Auguste (1822-1890 Belgium) link
  • Franck, Joseph (1825-1891 Belgium-France)
  • Freidlin, Jan (b.1944- Russia)
  • Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1646 Italy) link
  • Fricker, Peter Racine (1920-1990 UK-USA) page
  • Friedel, Kurt Joachim (b.1921- Germany)
  • Friessnegg, Karl (1900-1981 Austria)
  • Froberger, Johann Jakob (1617-1667 Germany) page
  • Fröhlich, Frank (b.1964- Germany) page
  • Frost, Donald (b.1951- USA)
  • Frumerie, Gunnar de (b.1908- Sweden) page
  • Fuenllana, Miguel de (1500?-1579 Spain)
  • Fujii, Keigo (b.1956- Japan)
  • Fujiie. Keiko (b.1963- Japan) page
  • Fulkerson, James (Orville) (b.1945- USA)
  • Gabus, Monique (b.1924- France)
  • Gagnon, Claude (b.1950- Canada)
  • Galan, Natalio (b.1917-1985 Cuba)
  • Galilei, Michelangelo (1575-1631 Italy)
  • Galilei, Vincenzo (1520-1591 Italy) link
  • Galindo, Blas (1910-1993 Mexico)
  • Galindo, Jose Antonio (b.1946- Spain)
  • Galuppi, Baldassare (1706-1785 Italy) page
  • Gammie, Ian (b.1943- UK)
  • Gangi, Mario (b.1923- Italy)
  • Gaquere, Boris (b.1977- Belgium) e-mail
  • Garcia Abril, Anton (b.1933- Spain)
  • Garcia Ascot, Rosa (b.1906- Spain)
  • Garcia de Leon, Ernesto (b.1952- Mexico)
  • Garcia Laborda, Jose Maria (b.1946- Spain)
  • Garcia Lorca, Federico (1899-1936 Spain)
  • Garcia, Anthony (b.1969- USA-Australia) page
  • Garcia, Gerald (b.1949- Hong Kong-UK) page
  • Gargiulo, Terenzio (1905-1972 Italy)
  • Garoto (Annibal Augusto Sardinha) (1915-1955 Brazil) link
  • Garrett, David Maurice (b.1969- USA) page
  • Garsi da Parma, Santino (1542-1604 Italy)
  • Gartenlaub, Odette (b.1922- France)
  • Gascon, Leon Vicente (b.1896- Argentina)
  • Gasparini, Luigi (b.1955- Italy)
  • Gasser, Luis (b.1951- Spain)
  • Gast, Wolfgang (b.1955- Germany)
  • Gaudibert, Eric (b.1936- France)
  • Gaultier, Denis (1603-1672 Spain)
  • Gaultier, Enemond (1575?-1651 France)
  • Gavarone, Gerard (b.1943- France)
  • Geddes, John Maxwell (b.1941- UK)
  • Gefors, Hans (b.1952- Sweden)
  • Generaux, Roger (1941-1978 France)
  • Genzmer, Harald (b.1909- Germany)
  • Gerber, Heinz (b.1953- Germany)
  • Gerhard, Fr Ch (b.1911- Germany)
  • Gerhard, Roberto (1896-1970 Spain-UK) page
  • Gershwin, George (1898-1937 USA) link
  • Ghedini, Giorge Federico (1892-1965 Italy)
  • Giacometti, Antonio (b.1957- Italy)
  • Gianfreda, Massimo (b.1954- Italy)
  • Gilardi, Gilardo (1889-1963 Argentina)
  • Gilardino, Angelo (b.1941- Italy) page
  • Ginastera, Alberto (1916-1983 Argentina-Switzerland) page
  • Giorginakis, Kiriakos (1950-1989 Greece)
  • Gismonti, Egberto (1947- Brazil)
  • Giuliani-Guglielmi, Emilia (1813-c.1840 Italy) music
  • Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829 Italy) page
  • Giuranna, E Barabara (b.1902- Italy)
  • Glanert, Detlev (b.1960- Germany) page
  • Glasser, Stanley (b.1926- South Africa)
  • Glinka, Mikhail (1804-1857 Russia) music
  • Glise, Anthony (b.1956- USA-France) page
  • Gnattali, Radames (1906-1988 Brazil)
  • Gomez Crespo, Jorge (1900-1971 Argentina)
  • Gomez, Calleja (1874-1938 Spain)
  • Gomez, Guillermo (1880-1953 Spain-Mexico) page
  • Gomez, Vincente (b.1911- Spain)
  • Gonzaga, Chiquinha (1847-1935 Brazil)
  • Gonzaga, Luis (1912-1989 Brazil)
  • Gonzalez-Medina, Enrique (b.1954- Mexico-USA) page
  • Gore, Dennis (b.1947- UK)
  • Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (1829-1869 USA) music
  • Gounod, Charles (François) (1818-1893 France) bio
  • Graf, Richard (b.1967- Austria) page
  • Gragnani, Filippo (1768-1820 Italy) page
  • Graham, James Paul (b.1955- Canada) page
  • Gramatges, Harold (b.1918- Cuba)
  • Granados y Campina, Enrique (1867-1916 Spain) link
  • Granata, Gioan Battista (1620?-1690? Italy)
  • Grandis, Renato de (b.1927- Italy)
  • Grau, Agusti (b.1893- Spain)
  • Grau, Eduardo (b.1919- Spain)
  • Greene, Richard (b.1948- USA) page
  • Gregory, Paul (b.1956- UK)
  • Grenerin, Henry (1650? France)
  • Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907 Norway) link
  • Grigoreas, Kostas (b.1957- Greece) page
  • Grimm, Friedrich Karl (b.1902- Germany)
  • Groot, Cor de (b.1914- Netherlands)
  • Grosskopf, Giovanni (b.1966- Italy) page
  • Grossnick, Horst (b.1957- Germany)
  • Grunhagen, Norbert (b.1942- Germany)
  • Guarnieri, (Mozart) Camargo (b.1907- Brazil)
  • Guastavino, Carlos (b.1914- Argentina) bio
  • Guerau, Francisco (1600? Spain)
  • Guimaraes, Joao (Pernambuco) (1883-1947 Brazil)
  • Guinjoan, Joan (b.1931- Spain)
  • Gulikers, Frans (b.1957- Netherlands)
  • Gunsenheimer, Gustav (b.1934- Germany)
  • Gutierrez, Arnol del Giorgio (1892-? Argentina)
  • Gutierrez, Miguel Angel (b.1958- Spain)
  • Guyun (V Gonzalez Rubiera) (1908-1987 Cuba)
  • Habe, Tomaz (b.1947- Slovenia)
  • Hadjidakis, Manos (1925-1996 Greece)
  • Hahn, David (b.1956- USA) page
  • Hajdu, Georg (b.1960- Germany) page
  • Halffter, (Jimenez) Cristobal (b.1930- Spain)
  • Halffter, Ernesto (1905-1989 Spain)
  • Halffter, Rodolfo (1900-1987 Spain)
  • Hallgrimsson, Haflidi (b.1941- Iceland) page
  • Hallnas, (Johan) Hilding (1903-1984 Sweden)
  • Hamel, Peter Michael (b.1947- Germany)
  • Hand, Colin (b.1929- UK)
  • Hand, Frederick (b.1947- USA)
  • Handel, Georg Friedrich (1685-1759 Germany-UK) bio
  • Hara, Hiroshi (b.1933- Japan)
  • Harris, Albert (b.1916- USA)
  • Harrison, Lou (b.1917- USA)
  • Hartig, Heinz (Friedrich) (1907-1969 Germany)
  • Harting-Ware, Lynn (b.1959- Canada) page
  • Hartog, Cees (b.1949- Netherlands)
  • Harvey, David (b.1959- UK) page
  • Hassler, Hans Leo (1564-1612 Germany) music
  • Hasted, Derek (1953- UK) page
  • Haubensak, Edu (b.1954- Finland)
  • Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman (1919-1994 Poland)
  • Hauer, Josef Matthias (1883-1959 Austria)
  • Haug, Halvor (b.1952- Norwey)
  • Haug, Hans (1900-1967 Switzerland)
  • Haussner, Gert (b.1963- Austria) page
  • Haydn, Franz Joseph (1732-1809 Austria) bio
  • Hayes, John (b.1948- UK) page
  • Head, Brian (b.1964- USA) page
  • Heer, Hans de (b.1927- Netherlands)
  • Heider, Werner (b.1930- Germany)
  • Heiller, Anton (1923-1979 Austria) page
  • Hein, Douglas M (b.1950- USA)
  • Heinze, Walter (b.1943- Argentina)
  • Hekster, Walter (b.1937- Netherlands)
  • Helguera, Juan (b.1932- Mexico)
  • Heller, Stephen (1813-1888 Hungary) bio
  • Hellerman, William (b.1939- USA)
  • Henke, Matthias (b.1953- Germany)
  • Henriquez, Josep (b.1951- Spain)
  • Henze, Hans Werner (b.1926- Germany) page bio
  • Herold, Johann Theordor (1550-1603 Germany)
  • Hespos, Hans Joachim (b.1938- Germany)
  • Hess, Ernst (1912-1968 Switzerland)
  • Hest, Rowy van (b.1955- Netherlands) page
  • Hetu, Jacques (Joseph Bobert) (b.1938- Canada)
  • Hewitt, David (b.1947- UK-South Africa)
  • Hill, Frank (b.1957- Germany) page
  • Hinojosa, Javier (b.1933- Mexico)
  • Hirayoshi, Takekuni (b.1936- Japan)
  • Hirschelman, Evan (b.1977- USA) page
  • Hoch, Peter (b.1937- Germany)
  • Hochweber, Jorg (b.1951- Switzerland)
  • Hoddinott, Alun (b.1929- UK)
  • Hodel, Brian (b.1948- USA)
  • Hojsgaard, Erik (b.1954- Denmark) bio
  • Holborne, Anthony (1540?-1602 UK) page
  • Holecek, Josef (b.1939- Czechoslovakia-Sweden) page
  • Holland, Justin (1819-1887 USA)
  • Hollos, Mate (b.1954- Hungary)
  • Holmboe, Vagn (1909-1996 Denmark) bio
  • Holst, Gustavus Theodore (1874-1934 UK) page
  • Homs, Joaquin (b.1906- Spain) page
  • Honma, Masao (b.1930- Japan) page
  • Horetzky, Felix (1796-1870 Poland)
  • Houghton, Mark (b.1959- UK) music
  • Houghton, Philip (b.1954- Australia)
  • Houtsma (Madera), Jorge (b.1965- Netherlands) page
  • Hove, Joachim v d (1567-1620 Netherlands)
  • Hovhaness, Alan (Vaness Scott) (b.1911- USA) link
  • Hradecky, Emil (b.1953- Czechoslovakia)
  • Huang, Ssu-Yu (b.1970- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Huber, Klaus (b.1924- Switzerland) page
  • Hubler, Klaus Karl (b.1956- Germany)
  • Hubner, Tilman (b.1960- Germany)
  • Hudson, Roger (b.1961- USA) page
  • Hugon, Georges (b.1904- France)
  • Humel, Gerald (b.1931- USA)
  • Hummel, Bertold (1925-2002 Germany) page
  • Hunt, Oliver (b.1934- UK)
  • Hvlszky, Adriana (b.1953- Rumania-Germany)
  • Ibert, Jacques (François Antoine) (1890-1962 France) bio
  • Ifukube, Akira (b.1914- Japan)
  • Iiriti, Mauro (b.1952- Italy)
  • Isbin, Gilbert (b.1953- Belgium) page
  • Ivanov-Kramskoy, Alexander (1912-1973 Russia)
  • Izarra, Adina (b.1959- Venezuela) e-mail
  • Iznaola, Ricardo (b.1949- Cuba-USA) page
  • Jackman, Richard Miles (b.1950- Australia-Germany) page
  • Jager, Harry (b.1958- Germany)
  • Jakola, Arto (b.1947- Finland)
  • Jamieson, Douglas (b.1949- Canada)
  • Jelinek, Hanns (1901-1969 Austria)
  • Jelinek, Ivan (1683-1759 Bohemia)
  • Jenkins, John (1592-1678 UK) bio
  • Jirmal, Jiri (b.1925- Czechoslovakia) page
  • Joachim, Otto (b.1910- Germany-Canada)
  • Jobim, Antonio Carlos (1927-1994 Brazil) page
  • Johanson, Bryan (b.1951- USA)
  • Johnson, John (1540-1594 UK)
  • Johnson, Robert (1583-1633 UK)
  • Johnson, Timothy Ernest (b.1968- USA) page
  • Jolas, Betsy (b.1923- USA)
  • Jolivet, Andre (1905-1974 France) bio
  • Joplin, Scott (1868-1917 USA) page bio
  • Jorgensen, Axel Borup (b.1924- Denmark)
  • Jose, Antonio (Martinez Palacios) (1902-1936 Spain)
  • Judenkonig, Hans (1450-1526 Germany)
  • Julia, Bernardo (b.1922- Spain)
  • Jung, Helge (b.1943- Germany)
  • Jurkowski, Edmund (1935-1989 Ukraine-Poland)
  • Kabalevsky, Dmitri Borisovich (1904-1987 Russia) bio
  • Kadosa, Pal (1903-1983 Hungary)
  • Kagel, Mauricio (b.1931- Argentina) page
  • Kalabis, Viktor (b.1923- Czechoslovakia)
  • Kalmar, Laszlo (b.1931- Hungary)
  • Kampela, Arthur (b.1962- Brazil)
  • Kanaris, Leonidas (b.1959- Greece)
  • Kaplan, Jose Alberto (b.1935- Argentina-Brazil)
  • Kapsberger, Johann H (1575-1661 Germany)
  • Kargel, Sixtus (1500? Germany)
  • Karjalainen, Kari (b.1953- Finland)
  • Karlsson, Patrik (b.1975- Sweden) page
  • Kaufhaus, Johann A (b.1903- Algeria)
  • Kaufmann, Armin (1902-1980 Austria)
  • Kef, Kees (1894-1961 Netherlands)
  • Keinemann, Karl Heinz (b.1935- Germany)
  • Kellner, David (1670-1747 Germany) link
  • Kelly, Bryan (b.1934- UK)
  • Kelterborn, Rudolf (b.1931- Switzerland) page
  • Kern, Jerome (1885-1945 USA)
  • Kernis, Aaron Jay (b.1960- USA) page
  • Kerr, Harrison (1897-1978 USA)
  • Khachaturian, Aram Ilich (1903-1978 Russia) link
  • Kilvington, Chris (1944-1999 UK)
  • Kinast, Rainer (b.1951- Germany)
  • Kindle, Jurg (b.1960- Switzerland) page
  • King, David (b.1949- UK)
  • King, John (b.1953- USA)
  • Kinsey, Avril (b.1955- UK-South Africa) page
  • Kirschbaum, Christoph (b.1958- Germany)
  • Kiselev, Oleg (b.1964- Russia)
  • Klatzow, Peter (b.1945- South Africa)
  • Klebe, Giselher (Wolfgang) (b.1925- Germany)
  • Klein, Lothar (b.1932- Canada)
  • Kleynjans, Francis (b.1951- France)
  • Knjze, Francisco Max (1784-1840 Czechoslovakia) page
  • Koch-Raphael, Erwin (b.1949- Germany)
  • Koch, Erland von (b.1910- Sweden)
  • Koch, Gareth (b.1962- Australia)
  • Kocsar, Miklos (b.1933- Hungary)
  • Kohn, Karl (Georg) (b.1926- Austria-USA)
  • Kolb, Barbara (b.1939- USA) page
  • Kolz, Ernst (b.1929- Germany)
  • Komter, Jan Marten (1905-1984 Netherlands)
  • Konietzny, Heinrich (1910-1983 Germany)
  • Kont, Paul (b.1920- Austria)
  • Koshkin, Nikita (b.1956- Russia)
  • Kostal, Arnost (b.1920- Czechoslovakia)
  • Kotonaki, Wlodzimierz (b.1925- Poland)
  • Kounadis, Arghyris P (b.1924- Greece)
  • Kovats, Barna (b.1920- Hungary)
  • Kozeluh, Leopold (Jan Antonion) (1747-1818 Bohemia)
  • Kozlov, Viktor (b.1958- Russia) page
  • Kratochwil, Heinz (1933-1995 Austria)
  • Krenek, Ernst (1900-1991 Austria-USA)
  • Krieger, Edino (b.1928- Brazil)
  • Krieger, Johann (1651-1735 Germany)
  • Kristianto, Jubing (b.1966- Indonesia) page
  • Kropfreiter, Augustus Franz (b.1936- Austria)
  • Krouse, Ian (b.1956- USA)
  • Krstic, Branimir (b.1969- Croatia) page
  • Kruisbrink, Annette (b.1958- Netherlands) page
  • Krylov, Andrey Genlinovich (b.1959- Russia) page
  • Kubizek, Augustin (b.1918- Austria)
  • Kucera, Vaclav (b.1929- Czechoslovakia)
  • Kuffner, Joseph (1776-1856 Germany)
  • Kuhnau, Johann (1660-1722 Germany) music
  • Kukuck, Felicitas (b.1914- Germany)
  • Kurjata, Tomasz (b.1967- Poland) page
  • Labrouve, Jorge (b.1948- Spain)
  • Lachenmann, Helmut (b.1935- Germany) page
  • Ladron, Raul de Guevara (b.1934- Mexico)
  • Laferney, Michael Sean (b.1980- USA)
  • Lagoya, Alexandre (1929-1999 Egypt-France) music
  • Lahav, Naftali (b.1952- Israel) page
  • Lajarrige, Marc (b.1945- France)
  • Lambert, Richard (b.1951- UK)
  • Lambro, Philip (b.1935- USA)
  • Lancen, Serge (Jean Mathieu) (b.1922- France)
  • Langer, Michael (b.1959- Austria)
  • Langford, Gordon (b.1930- UK)
  • Lanz, Joseph (1797-? Austria)
  • Larsen, Libby (b.1950- USA) page
  • Larsson, Martin Q (b.1968- Sweden) page
  • Lasala, Angel (b.1914- Argentina)
  • Lauber, Anne (b.1943- Switzerland-Canada)
  • Lauro, Antonio (1917-1986 Venezuela) page
  • Lawall, George (b.1952- Germany)
  • Lawrence, Alan (b.1949- UK)
  • Lazaro, Jose (b.1941- Spain)
  • Le Cocq, François (1700? Belgium)
  • Le Gars, Marc (b.1954- France)
  • Lebendorf, Nicolaus Schmal (1600? Germany)
  • Lechthaler, Josef (1891-1948 Austria)
  • Leclercq, Norbert (b.1944- Belgium)
  • Lecuona, Ernesto (1896-1963 Cuba)
  • Leduc, Jacques (b.1932- Belgium)
  • Leeuw, Ton de (b.1926- Netherlands)
  • Legley, Victor (b.1915- Belgium)
  • Legnani, Luigi Rinaldo (1790-1877 Italy) page
  • Leguay, Jean Pierre (b.1939- France)
  • Lehmann, Hans Ulrich (b.1937- Switzerland) page
  • Leisner, David (b.1953- USA) page
  • Lejet, Edith (b.1941- France)
  • Lemaigre, Philippe (b.1950- Belgium)
  • Lemeland, Aubert (b.1932- France)
  • Lemming, Frederik Carl (1782-1846 Denmark) page
  • Lendle, Wolfgang (b.1948- Germany)
  • Lennon, John (1940-1980 UK-USA) link
  • Lennon, John Anthony (b.1950- USA)
  • Lentini, James (b.1958- USA) page
  • Lenz, Richard (b.1972- Netherlands-Australia) page
  • Leon, Tania (b.1943- Cuba)
  • Lerich, Pierre (b.1937- France)
  • Leroux, Philippe (b.1959- France)
  • Lester, Bryan (b.1939- UK)
  • Levin, Stefan (b.1964- Sweden)
  • Lewis, Peter Scott (b.1953- USA) page
  • Liadov, Anatoli (Konstantinovich) (1855-1914 Russia) bio
  • Lieske, Wulfin (b.1956- Germany) page
  • Lilburn, Douglas Gordon (b.1915- New Zealand) page
  • Lind, Ekard (b.1945- Germany)
  • Linde, Hans Martin (b.1930- Germany)
  • Lindsey-Clark, Vincent (b.1956- UK)
  • Lindsey, George C (1855-1943 USA)
  • Linke, Norbert (b.1933- Germany)
  • Linneman, Maria (b.1948- Netherlands-UK)
  • Liszt, Franz (1811-1886 Hungary) bio
  • Liu, Xiaogen (b.1955- China)
  • Llobet, Miguel (1878-1938 Spain)
  • Lloyd Webber, Andrew (b.1948- UK) page
  • Locatelli, Pietro Antonio (1695-1764 Italy) link
  • Loeillet, Jean-Baptiste (1680-1730 Belgium) page
  • Logy, Johann Anton (1650-1721 Bohemia)
  • Lombardi, Luca (b.1945- Italy)
  • Lopes-Graca, Fernando (1906-1994 Portugal)
  • Lopez-Chavarri, Eduardo (1875-1970 Spain)
  • Lorentzen, Bent (b.1935- Denmark) bio
  • Lotz, Hans Georg (b.1943- Germany)
  • Louis, Kurt (b.1958- USA) page
  • Lovelady, William (b.1945- UK)
  • Lu, Zhao Xuan (b.1929- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Lucarelli, Michael (b.1959- USA) page
  • Luening, Otto (Clarence) (b.1900- USA)
  • Luiz, Nonato (b.1955- Brazil) page
  • Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687 Italy-France) link
  • Lunden, Lennart (1914-1966 Sweden)
  • Lutoslawski, Witold (b.1913-1994 Poland) link
  • Lutyens, Elisabeth (1906-1984 UK) page
  • Lutzemberger, Cesare (b.1918- Italy)
  • MacCombie, Bruce (b.1943- USA)
  • Machado, Celso (b.1953- Brazil)
  • Maddock, Andrew (b.1974- USA) page
  • Maderna, Bruno (1920-1973 Italy-Germany) page
  • Madureira, Antonio (b.1949- Brazil) page
  • Maes, Jef (b.1905- Belgium) page
  • Magen, Eli (b.1935- Israel)
  • Maggio, Robert (b.1964- USA) page
  • Maghini, Ruggero (1913-1977 Italy)
  • Magli, Daniele (b.1977- Italy) page
  • Mairants, Ivor (b.1908- Poland-UK)
  • Major, John (b.1954- USA)
  • Malats, Joaquim (1872-1912 Spain)
  • Maldonado, Raul (b.1937- Argentina)
  • Malipiero, Gian Francesco (1882-1973 Italy) bio
  • Malipiero, Riccardo (b.1914- Italy)
  • Mamangakis, Nikos (b.1929- Greece)
  • Mamlok, Ursula (b.1928- USA)
  • Man, Roderik de (b.1941- Netherlands)
  • Manen, Joan (1883-1971 Spain)
  • Manjon, Antonio Gimeniz (1866-1919 Spain)
  • Manneke, Daan (b.1939- Netherlands) page
  • Marcello, Benedetto (1686-1739 Italy) bio
  • Marchelie, Erik (b.1957- France)
  • Marckhl, Erich (1902-1980 Austria)
  • Marco, Tomas (b.1942- Spain)
  • Marcussen, Kjell (b.1952- Norway)
  • Margola, Franco (b.1908- Italy)
  • Margola, Manuel (b.1943- Italy)
  • Marquez, Nessa (b.1962- USA) page
  • Marschner, Heinrich (August) (1795-1861 Germany) bio
  • Marsh, Steve (b.1949- UK)
  • Marshall, Ingram (b.1945- USA)
  • Marshall, Nicholas (b.1942- UK)
  • Marti, Heinz (b.1934- Germany)
  • Martin Llado, Miguel A (b.1950- Spain)
  • Martin, Frank (1890-1974 Switzerland-Netherlands) page bio
  • Martinez Zarate, Jorge (1923-1993 Argentina)
  • Martini, Giovanni (1706-1784 Italy)
  • Martini, Jean Paul Egide (1741-1816 Germany)
  • Martins, Vasco Jorge Coelho Oliveira (b.1956- Cape Verde Islands) page
  • Marton, Eugen Mihai (b.1946- Rumania-Germany)
  • Mas, Jean Luc (b.1956- France)
  • Masala, Roberto (b.1954- Italy)
  • Masini, Fabio (b.1961- Italy)
  • Massenet, Jules(-Emile-Frederic) (1842-1912 France) bio
  • Matiegka, Wenzeslaus (1773-1830 Bohemia)
  • Matos Rodriguez, G H (1900-1948 Uruguay)
  • Matsudaire, Yoriaki (b.1931- Japan)
  • Maw, (John) Nicholas (b.1935- UK) page
  • Maxwell Davies, Peter (b.1934- UK) page
  • Mazis, Spyros (b.1950- Greece)
  • McCabe, John (b.1939- UK) page
  • McCartney, Paul (b.1942- UK) page
  • McGuire, Edward (b.1948- UK) page
  • McPherson, Gordon (b.1965- UK) page
  • Medek, Tilo (b.1940- Germany)
  • Meester, Louis de (1904-1987 Belgium)
  • Meier, Jost (b.1939- Germany)
  • Meijering, Chiel (b.1954- Netherlands)
  • Meijering, Cord (b.1955- Germany-Netherlands)
  • Meisonnier, Joseph (1790-1855 France)
  • Melia, Gabriello (1790-1850? Italy)
  • Melii, Pietro Paulo (1579-? Italy)
  • Mellers, Wilfred (b.1914- UK)
  • Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix (1809-1847 Germany) bio
  • Meranger, Paul (b.1936- France)
  • Merchi, Guacomo (1730-1789 Italy)
  • Merlin, Jose Luis (b.1952- Argentina) page
  • Mersson, Boris (b.1921- Switzerland)
  • Mertz, Johann Kaspar (1806-1856 Hungary)
  • Mestres-Quadreny, Josep (Maria) (b.1929- Spain)
  • Middleton, Owen (b.1941- USA)
  • Mignone, Francisco (Paulo) (1897-1986 Brazil) page
  • Migot, Georges (1891-1976 France) page
  • Milan, Luis (1500-1561 Spain) page
  • Milano, Francesco da (1497-1543 Italy)
  • Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974 France) bio
  • Miliaressis, Gerassimos (b.1918- Greece)
  • Miller, Alton 'Glenn' (1904-1944 USA) link
  • Mills, John (b.1947- UK)
  • Milovanov, Dmitri (b.1970- Russia)
  • Mindlin, Adolfo (b.1922- France)
  • Miranda, Ronaldo (b.1948- Brazil)
  • Miroglio, Francis (b.1924- France)
  • Miteran, Alain (b.1941- France)
  • Mittergradnegger, Günther (b.1923- Austria)
  • Miyoshi, Akira (b.1933- Japan)
  • Mojzis, Vojtech (b.1949- Czechoslovakia)
  • Molina, Luis Manuel (b.1959- Cuba)
  • Molinaro, Simone (1565-1615 Italy)
  • Molino, Francesco (1768-1847 Italy) page
  • Molitor, Simon (1766-1848 Austria)
  • Mollberg, Jonas (b.1964- Sweden) page
  • Mompou, Federico (1893-1987 Spain) bio
  • Monk, Thelonious Sphere (1917-1982 USA)
  • Montero, Joaquin (1750? Spain)
  • Montes, Alfonso (b.1955- Venezuela) page,e-mail
  • Monti, Alessio (b.1947- Italy)
  • Monzino, Giacomo (1772-1854 Italy) page
  • Moracon, Guy (b.1927- France)
  • Morales Caso, Eduardo (b.1969- Cuba-Spain) page
  • Morel, François (b.1926- Canada) page
  • Morel, Jorge (b.1931- Argentina)
  • Moreno-Torroba, Federico (1891-1982 Spain) page
  • Moreno, Juan Antonio (b.1953- Spain)
  • Moretti, Luigi (1750-1838 Spain)
  • Morlaye, Guillaume (1515?-1565? France)
  • Morley, Thomas (1557-1602 UK) bio
  • Morricone, Ennio (b.1928- Italy) page
  • Morscheck, Peter (b.1960- Germany) page
  • Mortari, Virgillo (b.1902- Italy)
  • Mosca, Luigi (b.1957- Italy)
  • Mosso, Carlo (b.1931- Italy)
  • Mourat, Jean Maurice (b.1944- France)
  • Mourey, Colette (b.1954- Marocco-France) page
  • Moyano, Ricardo (b.1961- Argentina) page
  • Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791 Austria) bio
  • Mozzani, Luigi (1869-1943 Italy) page
  • Mronski, Stanislaw (b.1926- Poland)
  • Mudarra, Alonso de (1508-1580 Spain)
  • Muhatdinov, Sharif (b.1947- Russia)
  • Munoz Molleda, Jose (1905-1988 Spain)
  • Murail, Tristan (b.1947- France)
  • Muro, Juan Antonio (b.1945- Spain-Finland)
  • Murtula, Giovanni (1881-1964 Italy)
  • Musgrave, Thea (b.1928- UK) page
  • Mussorgsky, Modest Petrovich (1839-1881 Russia) link
  • Muthspiel, Wolfgang (b.1965- Austria)
  • Myers, Stanley (1934-1993 UK)
  • Nardelli, Mario (b.1927- Croatia)
  • Narvaez, Jose-Luis (b.1953- France)
  • Narvaez, Luis de (1510-1555 Spain)
  • Nava, Antonio (1775-1826 Italy) page
  • Navarro, Hernán (b.1973- Argentina) page
  • Navok, Lior (b.1971- Israel) page
  • Nazareth, Ernesto (1863-1934 Brazil) page
  • Negri, Cesare (1536-1604 Italy)
  • Neumann, Friedrich (1915-1989 Austria)
  • Neumann, Ulrik (b.1918- Sweden)
  • Neusidler, Hans (1508-1563 Germany)
  • Neusidler, Melchior (1531-1590 Germany)
  • Newling, Graham (b.1957- UK)
  • Nickerson, Joe (b.1951- USA)
  • Nicolau, Dimitri (b.1946- Greece-Italy) page
  • Niehusmann, Volker (b.1963- Germany) page
  • Nielsen, Tage (b.1929- Denmark) bio
  • Nieman, Alfred (b.1913- UK)
  • Nieminen, Kai (b.1953- Finland) page
  • Nightingale, Daniel (b.1950- USA) bio
  • Nikolopoulos, Angelos (b.1958- Greece)
  • Nin-Culmell, Joaquin (b.1908- Spain) bio
  • Nobre, Marlos (b.1939- Brazil)
  • Nockalls, Martin (b.1954- UK)
  • Noda, Teruyuki (b.1940- Japan)
  • Nogatz, Hubertus (b.1956- Germany)
  • Nogueira, Paulinho (b.1929- Brazil) page
  • Nord, Frederick (b.1929- UK-USA) page
  • Nordgren, Pehr Henrik (b.1944- Finland)
  • Nordstroem, Hans-Henrik (b.1947- Denmark) page
  • Norgard, Per (b.1932- Denmark) bio
  • Norge, Kaare (b.1963- Denmark) page
  • Norholm, Ib (b.1931- Denmark) bio
  • Norman, Theodore (1912-1997 Canada-USA)
  • Northcott, Bayan (b.1940- UK)
  • Norton, Christopher (b.1953- New Zealand)
  • Novak, Jan (1921-1984 Czechoslovakia)
  • Nunn, Ruth (b.1954- UK)
  • Nuttall, Peter (b.1949- UK)
  • O'Toole, Michael (b.1951- Ireland) page
  • Obrovska, Jana (1930-1987 Czechoslovakia)
  • Oehring, Helmut (b.1961- Germany) page
  • Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880 France) link
  • Ohana, Maurice (1914-1992 Spain-France) page
  • Oliver, Stephen (b.1950- UK)
  • Olsen, Poul Rovsing (1922-1982 Denmark) bio
  • Olshanskij, Anatoli (b.1956- Russia)
  • Onna, Peter van (b.1966- Netherlands)
  • Oort, Bob (b.1940- Netherlands-Australia)
  • Opitz, Erich (b.1912- Germany)
  • Orbon (de Soto), Julian (1925-1991 Spain-USA)
  • Orrega-Salas, Juan (b.1919- Chile)
  • Orsolino, Federico (b.1918- Italy)
  • Otero, Francisco (b.1940- Spain) page
  • Ourkouzounov, Atanas (b.1970- Bulgaria) page
  • Owen, Jerry (b.1944- USA) bio
  • Paamino, Cristobal (b.1958- Ecuador)
  • Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706 Germany) link
  • Paco de Lucia (b.1947- Spain)
  • Padovano, Julio Cesare (1540?-1603? Italy)
  • Padovec, Ivan Eugen (1800-1873 Croatia)
  • Pagan, Juan (b.1955- Spain)
  • Paganini, Niccolo (1782-1840 Italy) page
  • Pairman, David (b.1947- UK)
  • Palau Boix, Manuel (1893-1967 Spain)
  • Panin, Piotr (b.1938- Russia)
  • Papandopulo, Boris (1906-1991 Croatia)
  • Paradis, Maria Theresia von (1759-1824 Austria)
  • Paraskevas, Apostolos (b.1964- Greece) page
  • Parfrey, Raymond (b.1928- UK)
  • Parga, Juan (1843-1899 Spain)
  • Pastor, Segundo (b. 1916- Spain)
  • Patachich, Ivan (b.1922- Hungary)
  • Paubon, Pierre (b.1910- France)
  • Paulus, Stephen (Harrison) (b.1949- USA)
  • Pearce, John (b.1956- USA) page
  • Pearson, Robin J (1941-1983 UK)
  • Pearson, Stephen Funk (b.1950- USA)
  • Pedrell, Carlos (1878-1941 Uruguay)
  • Pedrell, Felipe (1841-1922 Spain)
  • Peng, Jing (b.1965- Taiwan ROC)
  • Penicaud, Eric (b.1952- France)
  • Peraldo Bert, Nilo (b.1915- Italy)
  • Persch, Ralf (b.1960- Germany)
  • Persechetti, Vincent (Ludwig) (1915-1987 USA) page
  • Peruzzi, Aurelio (b.1921- Italy)
  • Pessina, Carlo (b.1960- Italy)
  • Petit, Jean-Louis (b.1937- France)
  • Petit, Pierre (b.1922- France)
  • Petit, Raymond (b.1893- France)
  • Petrassi, Goffredo (b.1904- Italy)
  • Pettoletti, Pietro (1800-1870? Italy)
  • Peyrot, Fernande (1888-1978 Switzerland)
  • Philba, Nicole (b.1937- France)
  • Philippi, Raimund (b.1963- Germany)
  • Phillips, Peter (1561-1628 UK) music
  • Piazzolla, Astor (1921-1992 Argentina) page
  • Picchianti, Luigi (1786-1864 Italy) page
  • Piccinini, Alessandro (1566-1639 Italy)
  • Pierre, Alain (b.1966- Belgium)
  • Pilkington, Francis (1565-1635 UK)
  • Pilsl, Fritz (b.1933- Germany)
  • Piorkowski, James (b.1956- USA) page
  • Pires De Campos, Lina (b.1918- Brazil)
  • Piris, Bernard (b.1951- France)
  • Pisador, Diego (1509-1557 Spain)
  • Pitfield, Thomas (Baron) (b.1903- UK)
  • Pittaluga, Gustavo (b.1906- Spain)
  • Pixinguinha, (Alfredo Vianna) (1898-1973 Brazil) page
  • Pizzini, Carlo Alberto (1905-1981 Italy)
  • Platti, Giovanni (1690-1763 Italy)
  • Platts, Kenneth (1946-1989 UK)
  • Platz, Robert H P (b.1951- Germany)
  • Playford, John (1623-1686 UK)
  • Plaza, Juan B (b.1937- Spain)
  • Pleyel, Ignance Joseph (1757-1831 Austria-France)
  • Polak, Jakub (1545?-1605 Poland)
  • Polkki, Vesa Eljas Einari (b.1948- Finland) page
  • Ponce, Juan (1480?-1521? Spain)
  • Ponce, Manuel Maria (1882-1948 Mexico) page
  • Pope, Martin (b.1955- UK)
  • Porrino, Ennio (1910-1959 Italy) page
  • Porro, Pierre-Jean (1750-1831 France)
  • Porter, Cole (1891-1964 USA)
  • Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963 France) link
  • Powell, Baden (b.1937- Brazil) page
  • Prado, Almeida (b.1943- Brazil)
  • Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621 Germany) link
  • Prat, Domingo (1886-1944 Spain-Argentina)
  • Pratesi, Mira (b.1923- Italy)
  • Prato, Juan Carlos (b.1948- Argentina)
  • Prek, Stanko (b.1915- Slovenia)
  • Presti, Ida (1924-1967 France) music
  • Previn, Andre (b.1929- Germany-USA) page
  • Prieto, Claudio (b.1934- Spain)
  • Primosch, James (b.1956- USA) page
  • Pritsker, Gene (b.1971- USA) page
  • Procaccini, Teresa (b.1934- Italy)
  • Prodigo, Sergio (b.1949- Italy)
  • Prokofieff, Serge (1891-1953 Russia) page
  • Pujol, Emilio (1886-1980 Spain)
  • Pujol, Maximo Diego (b.1957- Argentina)
  • Purcell, Daniel (1660-1717 UK)
  • Purcell, Henry (1659-1695 UK) link
  • Purser, John (b.1942- UK)
  • Putilin, Ivan (1909-1997 Russia-Finland)
  • Putz, Eduard (b.1911- Germany)
  • Putz, Friedrich (b.1950- Germany)
  • Qu, Xiao-Song (b.1952- China) page
  • Qualey, David Ernest (b.1947- USA)
  • Queiroz, Jose Oliveira (1897-1968 Brazil)
  • Rachmaninov, Sergei (Vassilievich) (1873-1943 Russia-USA) link
  • Radic', Theo (b.1949- USA) page
  • Raffman, Relly (1921-1988 USA) page
  • Raillard, Georges (b.1957- Switzerland) page
  • Rak, Stepan (b.1945- Czechoslovakia) page
  • Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764 France) link
  • Ramirez, Ariel (b.1921- Argentina)
  • Ramon y Rivera, Luis Felipe (b.1913- Venezuela)
  • Ramos, Toninho (b.1942- Brazil)
  • Ramovs, Primoz (b.1921- Slovenia)
  • Rathmell, Robert Jennings (b.1965- USA)
  • Ratkowski, Torsten (b.1954- Germany)
  • Ratz, Martin (b.1936- Germany)
  • Rautavaara, Einojuhani (b.1928- Finland) page
  • Ravel, (Joseph) Maurice (1875-1937 France) link
  • Ravinale, Irma (b.1942- Italy)
  • Rawsthorne, Alan (1905-1971 UK) music
  • Read, Gardner (b.1913- USA)
  • Rebours, Gerard (b.1950- France) page
  • Rechberger, Herman (b.1947- Austria-Finland) page
  • Regan, Michael (b.1947- UK)
  • Reger, Max (1873-1916 Germany) link
  • Regondi, Giulio (1822-1872 France-UK) page
  • Reich, Steve (b.1936- USA) link
  • Reinbothe, Helmut (b.1929- Germany)
  • Reinhardt, Jean 'Django' (1910-1953 France)
  • Reis, Dilermando (1916-1977 Brazil) page
  • Rekhin, Igor (b.1941- Russia)
  • Renault, Jean Marc (b.1954- France)
  • Reussner, Esaias (1636-1679 Germany)
  • Reutter, Hermann (1900-1985 Germany)
  • Richer, Jeannine (b.1924- France)
  • Richmond, Lewis A (b.1947- USA) page
  • Riehm, Rolf (b.1937- Germany)
  • Riera, Rodrigo (1926-1999 Venezuela)
  • Riethmuller, Heinrich (b.1921- Germany)
  • Riley, Dennis (b.1943- USA)
  • Riley, Terry (b.1935- USA)
  • Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich (1844-1908 Russia) link
  • Ritchie, Anthony (b.1960- New Zealand)
  • Ritchie, John (b.1921- New Zealand)
  • Ritter Navarro, Jorge (b.1957- Mexico)
  • Rivera, Carlos Rafael (b.1970- USA) page
  • Rivier, Jean (1896-1987 France)
  • Roberts, William (b.1950- Canada) bio
  • Robinson, Andrea (b.1956- New Zealand)
  • Robinson, Thomas (1588-1610 UK)
  • Robles, Daniel (1871-1942 Peru)
  • Rodrigo, Joaquin (1901-1999 Spain) link
  • Rodriguez Albert, Rafael (1902-1979 Spain)
  • Rodriguez, G H Matos (1900-1948 Uruguay)
  • Roe, Betty (b.1930- UK)
  • Rogatis, Teresa de (1893-1979 Italy)
  • Roland, Claude-Robert (b.1935- Belgium)
  • Roldan, Amadeo (1900-1939 Cuba)
  • Roldan, Eugene (1800? France)
  • Rolla, Alessandre (1757-1841 Italy) page
  • Rollin, Robert (b.1947- USA) bio
  • Roman, Johan Helmich (1694-1758 Sweden) bio
  • Romero, Celedonio (1913-1996 Cuba-USA) page
  • Roncalli, Ludovico (1600? Italy)
  • Rorem, Ned (b.1923- USA) page
  • Rosetta, Giuseppe (1901-1985 Italy)
  • Rosochacki, Joseph (b.1954- USA) page
  • Rosseter, Philip (1567-1623 UK)
  • Rossi, Camilla de (1650? – c. 1710 Italy) music
  • Rossini, Gioacchino (1792-1868 Italy) link
  • Roth, Jonathan D (b.1984- USA) page
  • Rougeron, Philippe (b.1928- France)
  • Rougier, Thierry (b.1957- France)
  • Roussel, Albert (1869-1937 France) bio
  • Roux, Patrick (b.1962- France-Canada)
  • Rovenstrunck, Bernhard (b.1920- Germany)
  • Rowley, Alec (1892-1958 UK)
  • Roy, Adrien le (1520-1598 France)
  • Royal, Timothy (b.1947- UK)
  • Rozsa, Miklos (1907-1995 Hungary-USA)
  • Rubin, Marcel (b.1905- Austria)
  • Rubinstein, David (b.1949- USA) page
  • Ruders, Poul (b.1949- Denmark) bio
  • Rudi, Rafet (b.1949- France)
  • Rudy Shackelford (b.1944- USA)
  • Ruiz de Ribayaz, Lucas (1600? Spain)
  • Ruiz-Pipo, Antonio (1934-1997 Spain-France)
  • Rung, Henrik (1807-1871 Denmark) page
  • Ruoff, Axel D (b.1957- Germany)
  • Rupert, Chris (b.1965- Canada) page
  • Rus, Ljudmil (b.1933- Slovenia)
  • Ryterband, Roman (1914-1979 Poland-USA)
  • Sabicas (Campos, Agustin Castellon) (1912-1990 Spain-USA)
  • Sacchetti, Arturo (b.1941- Italy)
  • Saenz, Pedro (b.1915- Spain-Argentina)
  • Sagreras, Gaspar (1879-1942 Argentina)
  • Sagreras, Julio Salvador (1879-1942 Spain-Argentina)
  • Sagrini, Luigi (1809-? Italy)
  • Saint-Luc, Jacques (1663-1700? France) bio
  • Saint-Saens, Camille (1835-1921 France) page
  • Sainz de la Maza, Eduardo (1903-1982 Spain)
  • Sainz de la Maza, Regino (1896-1981 Spain)
  • Salas, Manuel R (b.1954- Spain) page
  • Salazar, Adolfo (1890-1958 Spain)
  • Salonen, Veli (b.1956- Finland)
  • Salvador, Matilde (b.1918- Spain)
  • Samama, Leo (b.1951- Netherlands) page
  • Samazeuilh, Gustave (1877-1967 France)
  • Sammoutis, Evis (b.1979- Cyprus) email
  • Sander, Peter (b.1933- Hungary-UK)
  • Sandi, Luis (b.1905- Mexico)
  • Sandro, Raimondo di (b.1937- Italy)
  • Sandstrom, Sven-David (b.1942- Sweden)
  • Santa Cruz, Antonio de (1600? Spain)
  • Santa Maria, Fray Tomas de (1510-1570 Spain)
  • Santiago de Muricia (1682?-1732? Spain-Mexico)
  • Santoro, Claudio (1919-1989 Brazil)
  • Santorsola, Guido (1904-1994 Italy-Uruguay)
  • Santos, Enrique (b.1930- Mexico)
  • Santos, Turibio (b.1940- Brazil)
  • Sanz, Gaspar (1640-1710 Spain) page
  • Sardinha, Annibal Garoto (1915-1955 Brazil)
  • Sari, Josef (b.1935- Hungary)
  • Sarrablo, Manuel (1800? Cuba)
  • Sasseville, Pascal (b.1971- Canada)
  • Satie, Erik (1866-1925 France) bio
  • Sauguet, Henri (1901-1989 France) bio
  • Saumell, Manuel (1810-1870 Cuba)
  • Savio, Isaias (1902-1977 Uruguay-Brazil) page
  • Saxton, Robert (b.1953- UK) page
  • Sayage, Richard F (b.1961- USA) page
  • Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725 Italy) bio
  • Scarlatti, Domenico (1685-1757 Italy) link
  • Scartabello, Peter (b.1972- USA) page
  • Scelsi, Giacinto (1905-1988 Italy)
  • Schafer, R Murray (b.1933- Canada) link
  • Schale, Christian Friedrich (1713-1800 Germany)
  • Schaller, Erwin (b.1904- Austria)
  • Schedl, Gerhard (b.1957- Austria)
  • Scheidler, Christian Gottlieb (1752?-1815 Germany)
  • Schenk, Johann (1753-1836 Austria) page
  • Schibler, Armin (1921-1986 Switzerland)
  • Schiffman, Harold (b.1957- USA)
  • Schindler, Klaus (b.1956- Germany)
  • Schlee, Thomas Daniel (b.1957- Austria)
  • Schlick, Arnolt (1460?-1527? Germany)
  • Schlosberg, Benoit (b.1954- France)
  • Schlunz, Annette (b.1964- Germany)
  • Schlutz, Leonhard (1814-1860 Austria)
  • Schlutz, Wolfgang (b.1948- Germany)
  • Schneider, Gary M (b.1957- USA)
  • Schneider, Günther (b.1954- Austria)
  • Schoenberg, Arnold (1874-1951 Austria-USA) link
  • Schubert, Franz (1797-1828 Austria) bio
  • Schumann, Robert (1810-1856 Germany) bio
  • Schurmann, Gerhard (b.1924- Java-USA) page
  • Schwartz, Francis (b.1940- USA-Puerto Rico)
  • Schwenkglenks, Juergen (b.1956- Germany) page
  • Schytte, Ludvig (1848-1909 Denmark-Germany)
  • Scott, Cyril (1879-1970 UK) page
  • Scriabin, Alexander (1872-1915 Russia) link
  • Sculthorpe, Peter (b.1929- Australia) page
  • Searle, Humphrey (1915-1982 UK)
  • Searle, Leslie (b.1937- USA)
  • Seegner, Franz G (1800? Germany)
  • Segovia, Andres (1893-1987 Spain) page
  • Segula, Jakob (1907-1982 Slovenia)
  • Segula, Tomaz (b.1941- Slovenia)
  • Seiber, Matyas (1905-1960 Hungary-UK) music
  • Seixas, Carlos de (1704-1742 Portugal)
  • Selby, Philip (b.1948- UK)
  • Sergidis, Andreas (b.1911- Greece)
  • Sfogli, Corrando (b.1961- Italy)
  • Shackelford, Rudy (b.1944- USA)
  • Shaked, Yuval (b.1955- Germany)
  • Shand, Ernest (1868-1924 UK)
  • Shchetynsky, Alexander (b.1960- Ukraine) page
  • Shekov, Ivan (b.1942- Bulgaria)
  • Shevchenko, Anatoly (b.1938- Ukraine)
  • Shiels, Andrew (b.1957- Ireland)
  • Shiraishi, Akio (b.1920- Japan)
  • Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906-1975 Russia) link
  • Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957 Finland) link
  • Sidney, Anthony (b.1952- Italy)
  • Siegl, Otto (1896-1978 Austria)
  • Sierra-Fortuny, Jose Maria (b.1925- Spain)
  • Sierra, Roberto (b.1953- Puerto Rico) page
  • Silva, Jesus (1914-1996 Mexico-USA)
  • Sinesi, Quique (b.1960- Argentina)
  • Sitsky, Larry (b.1934- Australia)
  • Skempton, Howard (b.1947- UK) page
  • Skinger, Jim (b.1940- USA) page
  • Skinner, Tony (b.1960- UK) registry
  • Smekens, Wouter (b.1955- Belgium) e-mail
  • Smirnov, Yurii Alekseevic (b.1935- Russia) page
  • Smith-Brindle, Reginald (b.1917- UK)
  • Smoot, Richard Jordan (b.1952- USA) bio
  • Snijders, Herman (b.1953- Netherlands Antilles)
  • Soares de Souza, Francisco (1905-1986 Brazil)
  • Soban, Primoz (b.1946- Slovenia)
  • Sojo, Vicente Emilio (1887-1974 Venezuela)
  • Solares, Enrique (b.1910- Guatemala)
  • Soler, Padre Antonio (1729-1783 Spain) bio
  • Solomons, David Warin (b.1953- UK) page
  • Somers, Harry (b.1925- Canada)
  • Sommerfeldt, Oistein (1919-1994 Norway)
  • Sor, Fernando (1778-1839 Spain-France) link
  • Sorrentino, Giovanni (b.1933- Italy)
  • Spina, Friedrich (1812?-1830 Austria)
  • Sprague, Frank Lee (b.1958- USA) page
  • Sprongl, Norbert (1892-1983 Austria)
  • Spurway, Jason (b.1966- UK) page
  • Srebotnjak, Alojz (b.1931- Slovenia)
  • Staak, Pieter van der (b.1930- Netherlands)
  • Stadlmair, Hans (b.1924- Austria)
  • Stahmer, Klaus Hinrich (b.1941- Germany)
  • Starcevic, Nikola (b.1980- Yugoslavia) page
  • Starer, Robert (b.1924- Austria-USA)
  • Steele, Jeffry Hamilton (b.1954- USA) page
  • Steffens, Walter (b.1934- Germany)
  • Steidl, Ravel (b.1961- Czechoslovakia)
  • Steinke, Greg (b.1942- USA) bio
  • Steptoe, Roger (Guy) (b.1953- UK)
  • Stevens, Bernard (1916-1983 UK) bio
  • Stiles, Frank (b.1924- UK)
  • Stimpson, Michael (b.1948- UK)
  • Sting-Sumner, Gordon (b.1951- UK)
  • Stockhausen, Karlheinz (b.1928- Germany) link
  • Stoker, Richard (b.1938- UK)
  • Stover, Richard 'Rico' (b.1945- USA) music
  • Strajnar, Ales (b.1947- Slovenia)
  • Stranz, Ulrich (b.1946- Germany) page
  • Strasfogel, Ignace (1909-1994 Poland)
  • Strategier, Herman (1912-1988 Netherlands) page
  • Strauss, Johann Jr. (1825-1899 Austria) link
  • Strauss, Johann Sr. (1804-1849 Austria) link
  • Stravinsky, Igor (Feodorovich) (1882-1971 Russia-USA) link
  • Stravinsky, Soulima (1910-1994 Switzerland-USA)
  • Strizich, Robert (b.1945- USA)
  • Stroe, Aurel (b.1932- Romania-France)
  • Sugar, Rezso (1919-1988 Hungary) link
  • Suilamo, Harri (b.1954- Finland)
  • Sulpizi, Fernando (b.1936- Italy)
  • Summaria, Davide (b.1943- Italy)
  • Summerfield, Maurice (b.1940- UK)
  • Sun, Ying-Chih (b.1971- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Surinach, Carlos (1915-1997 Spain-USA) page
  • Susato, Tylman (1500-1562 Germany)
  • Suter, Robert (b.1919- Switzerland) page
  • Suzuki, Ivao (b.1932- Japan)
  • Swayne, Giles (Oliver Cairnes) (b.1946- UK) page
  • Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon (1562-1621 Netherlands) link
  • Sychra, Andrei (1772-1850 Russia)
  • Szekely, Katalin (b.1953- Hungary)
  • Szordikowski, Bruno (b.1944- Germany)
  • Tacuchian, Ricardo (b.1939- Brazil)
  • Takacs, Jeno (b.1902- Austria)
  • Takahashi, Yuji (b.1938- Japan)
  • Takemitsu, Toru (1930-1996 Japan) bio
  • Tamas, Janos (b.1936- Hungary)
  • Tamez, Gerardo (b.1948- Mexico)
  • Tamulionis, Jonas (b.1949- Lithuania)
  • Tan, Dun (b.1957- China) page
  • Tansman, Alexandre (1897-1986 Poland-France) bio
  • Tapajos, Sebastiao (b.1944- Brazil)
  • Taranu, Cornel (b.1934- Romania)
  • Tarrago, Graziano (1892-1973 Spain)
  • Tarrega, Francisco (1852-1909 Spain) page
  • Tavener, John (Kenneth) (b.1944- UK) page
  • Taylor, Alan (b.1946- UK) page
  • Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilick (1840-1893 Russia) link
  • Teed, Roy (Norman) (b.1928- UK)
  • Teixeira, Nicanor (b.1928- Brazil)
  • Tejedor, Pere Soto (b.1958- Spain) page
  • Telemann, George Philipp (1681-1767 Germany) link
  • Tenzi, Massimo (b.1922- Italy)
  • Tera de Marez, Oyens (b.1932- Netherlands)
  • Terzi, Benvenuto (1892-1980 Italy)
  • Tesar, Milan (b.1938- Czechoslovakia)
  • Teschner, Hans Joachim (b.1945- Germany)
  • Teuchert, Heinz (b.1914- Germany)
  • Theobalds, Matthew J (b.1984- UK) page
  • Theodorakis, Mikis (b.1925- Greece) link
  • Thiago de Mello, Gaudencio (b.1933- Brazil)
  • Thome, François (1850-1909 France)
  • Thompson, Virgil (Garnett) (1896-1989 USA) link
  • Thorlaksson, Eythor (b.1930- Iceland) page
  • Tippett, Michael (Kemp) (b.1905-1998 UK) link
  • Tisne, Antoine (b.1932- France)
  • Toffoletti, Massimo (b.1913- Italy)
  • Togni, Camillo (b.1922- Italy)
  • Toledo, Josefino Chino (b.1959- Philippines) page
  • Tomasi, Henri (Fredien) (1901-1971 France) page
  • Tomiyama, Siyoh (b.1961- Japan) page
  • Tommis, Colin (b.1958- UK) email
  • Tommis, Colin (b.1958- UK) email
  • Torok, Alan (b.1948- Austria-Canada)
  • Torrent, Jaume (b.1953- Spain)
  • Toselli, Enrico (1883-1926 Italy)
  • Tosi, Daniel (b.1953- France)
  • Tosic, Vladimir (b.1949- Yugoslavia) e-mail, page
  • Tosti, (Francesco) Paolo (1846-1916 Italy-UK)
  • Tower, Joan (Peabody) (b.1938- USA) page
  • Towner, Ralph (b.1940- USA)
  • Trigos, Juan (b.1965- Mexico) page
  • Trojahn, Manfred (b.1949- Germany)
  • Truhlar, Jan (1928-2007 Czechoslovakia) page
  • Truppe, Gerry (b.1959- Netherlands)
  • Tsabary, Eldad (b.1969- Israel) page
  • Tsiatas, T (b.1946- Greece)
  • Tsilicas, Jorge (b.1930- Argentina)
  • Tsukatani, Akihiro (b.1919- Japan)
  • Tucapsky, Antonin (b.1928- Czechoslovakia-UK)
  • Turina, Joaquin (1882-1949 Spain) bio
  • Turina, Jose Luis (b.1952- Spain)
  • Turok, Paul (b.1929- USA)
  • Tzeng, Shing-Kwei (b.1946- Taiwan ROC) page
  • Ugoletti, Paolo (b.1956- Italy)
  • Uhl, Alfred (1909-1992 Austria)
  • Ulian, Alberto (b.1920- Uruguay)
  • Ung, Chinary (b.1942- Cambodia) page
  • Urban, Stepan (1913-1974 Czechoslovakia)
  • Urbanner, Erich (b.1936- Austria)
  • Usher, Terry (1909-1969 UK)
  • Vafiadou Katherin (b.1952- Greece)
  • Vaillant, Raymond (b.1935- France)
  • Valderrabano, Enriquez de (1500-1557 Spain)
  • Valle, Adela del (b.1897- Argentina)
  • Vallet, Nicholas (1583?-1642? France-Netherlands)
  • Valverde, Joaquin (1846-1910 Spain)
  • Vandermaesbrugge, Max (b.1933- Belgium)
  • Vanhal, Johann Baptist (1739-1813 Czechoslovakia) page
  • Vargas y Guzman, Juan Antonio (1750? Mexico)
  • Vasks, Peteris (b.1946- Latvia)
  • Vasquez, Edmundo (b.1938- Chile-France)
  • Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958 UK) link
  • Vecchia, Wolfgango dalla (b.1923- Italy)
  • Vega, Aurelio de la (b.1925- Cuba-USA)
  • Velazquez, Leonardo (b.1935- Mexico)
  • Venegas Lloveras, Guillermo (1915-1993 Puerto Rico) page
  • Vercken, François (b.1928- France)
  • Verdery, Benjamin (b.1955- USA)
  • Vianna, Alfredo Pixinguinha (1898-1973 Brazil)
  • Viblom, Lars (b.1954- Sweden)
  • Villa Roja, Jesus (b.1940- Spain)
  • Villa-Lobos, Heitor (1887-1959 Brazil) link
  • Villa-Rojo, Jesus (b.1940- Spain)
  • Villar, Rogelio (1875-1937 Spain)
  • Vinas, Jose (1823-1888 Spain)
  • Vinay, Vittorio (b.1942- Italy)
  • Vink, Peter (b.1953- Netherlands) page
  • Viozzi, Giulio (1912-1984 Italy)
  • Visee, Robert de (1650-1725 France) page
  • Visser, Dick (b.1928- Netherlands)
  • Vitiello, Frederic (b.1960- France)
  • Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741 Italy) link
  • Vivier, Claude (1948-1983 Canada)
  • Vlad, Roman (b.1919- Rumania-Italy)
  • Vogel, Wladimir (Rudolfovich) (1896-1984 Russia-Switzerland) page
  • Vogelin, Fritz (b.1943- Germany)
  • Vojtisek,Martin (b.1950- Czechoslovakia)
  • Vonderau, Christof (b.1960- Germany)
  • Vvgelin, Fritz (b.1943- Switzerland)
  • Wagner-Regeny, Rudolf (1903-1969 Russia-Germany)
  • Wagner, Richard (1813-1883 Germany) page
  • Waissel, Mattheus (1540?-1602 Germany)
  • Walker, Luise (1910-1998 Austria) page
  • Walker, Timothy (b.1943- South Africa-UK)
  • Wallace, Frank (b.1952- USA) page
  • Walter, Fried (b.1907- Germany)
  • Walters, Gareth (b.1928- UK)
  • Walton, William (Turner) (1902-1983 UK) link
  • Wanders, Bob (b.1955- Netherlands)
  • Wanek, Friedrich (b.1929- Germany)
  • Ware, Peter (b.1951- Canada) page
  • Warnecke, Ulrich Uhland (b.1966- Germany) page
  • Watanabe, Kazumi (b.1953- Japan) page
  • Watkins, Michael Blake (b.1948- UK)
  • Weber, Carl Maria von (1786-1826 Germany-UK) link
  • Webern, Anton (Friedrich Wilhelm) (1883-1945 Austria) link
  • Weed (b.1946- UK) page
  • Weiner, Leo (1885-1960 Hungary)
  • Weiner, Stanley (b.1925- USA)
  • Weinzweig, John (Jacob) (b.1913- Canada)
  • Weiss, Harald (b.1949- Germany)
  • Weiss, Silvius Leopold (1686-1750 Germany) link
  • Wellesz, Egon (Joseph) (1885-1974 Austria-UK)
  • Werdin, Eberhard (1911-1991 Germany)
  • Wessman, Harri (Kristian) (b.1949- Finland)
  • Wettstein, Peter (b.1939- Germany)
  • Whettam, Graham (b.1927- UK) music
  • White, Michael (b.1931- USA)
  • White, Richard (b.1947- USA)
  • Whitworth, John (b.1951- USA)
  • Wijk, Jan-Inge (b.1941- Denmark) page
  • Wikmanson, Johan (1753-1800 Sweden)
  • Wildberger, Jacques (b.1922- Switzerland) page
  • Williams, Adrian (b.1956- UK) page
  • Williams, John (b.1941- Australia-UK) page
  • Williams, Mason (b.1938- USA) page
  • Willis, Rex (b.1956- USA)
  • Wills, Arthur (b.1926- UK)
  • Wilson, James (b.1951- USA)
  • Wilson, Thomas (b.1927- UK)
  • Winters, Geoffrey (b.1928- UK)
  • Wissmer, Pierre (1915-1992 Switzerland-France)
  • Worschech, Romain (b.1909- France)
  • Wueller, Lars (b.1975- Germany) page
  • Wuorinen, Charles (b.1938- USA) page
  • Wusthoff, Klaus (b.1922- Germany)
  • Xarhakos, Stavros (b.1937- Greece)
  • Xatzistayrou, Aris (b.1962- Greece)
  • Xifaras, Peter (b.1955- USA) page
  • Yamashita, Kazuhito (b.1961- Japan) page
  • Yepes, Narcisco (1927-1997 Spain)
  • Yeprem, Sefa (b.1974- Turkey) page
  • Yocoh, Yuquijiro (b.1925- Japan) page
  • Yoghourtjian, James (b.1934- USA)
  • York, Andrew (b.1958- USA) page
  • Yoshimatsu, Takashi (b.1953- Japan) page
  • Young, Kenneth (b.1955- New Zealand)
  • Yradier (Iradier), Sebastien de (1809-1865 Spain) music
  • Yun, Isang (1917-1996 Korea-Germany) page
  • Yupanqui, Atahualpa (1908-1992 Argentina)
  • Zagwijn, Henri (1878-1954 Netherlands)
  • Zaidel-Rudolph, Jeanne (b.1948- South Africa)
  • Zamani, Adil (b.1960- Turkey) e-mail
  • Zani de Ferranti, Marco Aurelio (1800-1878 Italy) page
  • Zappa, Frank (1940-1993 USA) link
  • Zaradin, John (b.1944- UK) music
  • Zbinden, Julien-François (b.1917- Switzerland)
  • Zehm, Friedrich (b.1923- Germany)
  • Zenamon, Jaime Mirtenbaum (b.1953- Bolivia)
  • Ziffrin, Marilyn J (b.1926- USA) page
  • Zimmermann, Bernd Alois (1918-1970 Germany) bio
  • Zuccheri, Luciano (1911-1981 Italy)
  • Zukerwar, Haim D (b.1956- Uruguay)
  • Zurakowsky, Stephen (b.1964- Canada) page

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